
SearchAssist is the world’s first conversational search engine. We combine natural language understanding with intelligent virtual assistant actions to give your users a contextualized search experience that is proactive and personalized. The result is a better search experience for users and measurable progress towards your business goals.

Creating a contextualized search experience begins on the SearchAssist dashboard. With an intuitive graphical interface, you can easily customize search parameters, design end-user search experiences, and weight priorities so that your users see the most relevant results. When you are ready for next-generation virtual assistant capabilities, quickly integrate’s Experience Optimization (XO) platform into your website with just a few clicks. SearchAssist collates and indexes content from a diverse range of sources and then fetches results with industry-leading speed and accuracy. 

Most e-commerce and enterprise websites or apps are built with traditional search queries that rely solely on keyword criteria. Going beyond keywords, SearchAssist includes natural language or utterances and discovers user intent. The result is superior search relevance and a more fulfilling search journey.


Why SearchAssist?’s unique no-code/low-code approach to search can improve the user journey and contribute to the bottom line.

  • Generate more sales.
  • Identify qualified leads.
  • Increase conversion rates.
  • Simplify A/B test design, implementation, and analysis.
  • Add search capabilities to your existing Kore virtual assistant.
  • Quickly fine-tune the search app in response to changing an environment.
  • Ability to provide personalized search results for your end-users.
  • Reduce reliance on IT teams for technical support.

Deployment Scenarios

Build, edit, customize, and update your search tool on the SearchAssist platform. The output of that work, the SearchAssist app, is an ideal enhancement for organizations with business models or communication channels that rely on accurate and fast search results. Here are a few possible deployment scenarios.

1. Search for E-commerce and Retail

Drive sales, qualify leads and increase conversions by generating search results that align more closely with search intent. Possible deployments include e-commerce sites and apps, merchandisers, and product catalog owners. To learn more, see SearchAssist for E-Commerce.

The SearchAssist app can position products, extend market offers, and integrate with Direct to Consumer (D2C) retail channels, such as:

  • Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) vertical
  • Prospective OEMs aiming for (D2C) reach
  • Ride-hailing apps

2. Search for Websites, Portals, and Apps

Use better search results to provide employees with the right knowledge. A superior employee experience (EX) can improve productivity with work enablement. Deployment options include large enterprises, intranet website content owners, and process owners. To learn more, see SearchAssist for Enterprise websites.

3. Search for Knowledge Portal

Give customer support agents the information they need to solve product or process problems and answer user questions. Quick access to the right information, or a decision tree, can lead to a superior customer experience. To learn more, see SearchAssist for Knowledge Portal.

4. Search for Enterprise

Large organizations typically have distributed sets of unlinked content. Imagine a multi-national company with project files stored on thousands of Google drive folders, human resource content stored on private servers, plus tens of thousands (perhaps millions) of emails and internal documents. Until recently it was impossible to run fast and accurate company-wide content searches.

Thanks to breakthrough search technology, SearchAssist can run content searches that reach into every digital corner of the organization with remarkable speed and precision.

How SearchAssist Works

SearchAssist is a conversational AI-powered search solution capable of providing users with instant search results across your website, mobile devices, and other applications. Unlike traditional search tools that scan a single index for keywords or phrases, SearchAssist builds a network of interlinked indices that map content from multiple sources. After the user launches a search, our app displays highly relevant results based on user context and a customizable weighting tool. The first step to building a powerful search application is to ingest data into SearchAssist by following our guided workflow. 

The guided workflow has eight key steps.

  1. Create a SearchAssist app
  2. Add and Manage Sources 
  3. Index Content
  4. Manage Relevance
  5. Design the Search Experience
  6. Get Analytics and Insights
  7. Define Experiments
  8. Deploy SearchAssist Apps

Steps Overview

1. Create a SearchAssist app

The SearchAssist app is a set of indexing and search configurations mapped to content sources and custom business rules. The SearchAssist platform allows you to create multiple apps and quickly switch between them during the build or edit process. From the SearchAssist dashboard, launch apps and monitor app performance. To learn more, see Managing SearchAssist apps.

2. Add and Manage Sources

From the SearchAssist Sources menu tab, you can add and manage the content associated with any SearchAssist app. Your content can come from any number of sources and in multiple formats. Examples include file uploads, website crawls, structured data files, FAQs from files or websites, and linked virtual assistants. To learn more, see Managing Content.

3. Index Content 

After you add content, index the data for efficient retrieval. The ingested data from web pages, files, or database records pass through various stages of indexing. Indexing management lets you transform the documents and fields as per the business requirements. To learn more, see Managing Indices.

4. Manage Relevance

Go to the SearchAssist Indices menu tab to manage relevance by fine-tuning both the search and result components to fetch and display outcomes in meaningful ways. You can apply business priorities and generate custom responses for each query and position certain responses. This helps the end-user see the most relevant results. To learn more, see Managing Relevance and Personalizing Results

5. Design the Search Experience

Design a search experience that best meets the needs of your end-users. From the Indices menu tab, choose between a traditional or virtual assistant and apply customized templates on the results display. To learn more, see Designing Search Experience and Designing Results Views.

6. Get Analytics and Insights

Analyzing SearchAssist app results helps you understand your search solution and its impact. From the SearchAssist Analytics menu tab, assess user engagement with metrics like Search Insights and Results Insights. To learn more, see Analyzing Metrics.

7. Define Experiments

An experiment helps you determine which combination of search and index configurations performs best. From the Analytics menu tab, you can create multiple variants, display them to live search users at random, and then analyze results. To learn more, see Experimenting with Search Variants.

8. Deploy SearchAssist apps

Deployment refers to publishing or launching a SearchAssist app onto the target channel, website, or app. This is a two-step process involving adding credentials and adding channels.