
Managing Indices includes the following steps and stages as a key part of creation of Search Assistant: 

  • creating an index configuration for the given content
  • configuring search fields
  • configuring traits
  • Simulating indexing stages in the workbench

Indexing is the technique by which search engines process and retrieve information from  databases/repositories to quickly respond to users’ queries with relevant results. An index is a collection of documents and each document is a collection of fields that contains the data.

Inverted Index is a process that inverts a page-centric data structure into a keyword-centric data structure. Tracking keyword locations from an inverted index is more efficient. For example, in a printed book Table of Contents(TOC) is considered as indexing. The keyword index that is present in the last pages of the book with the page numbers, applies Inverted Indexing.

Configuring and organizing Indexing Pipeline Stages to transform the given content into objectively indexed documents using the Workbench by applying the proposed or new Configurations. Refer Managing Indexing Pipeline.

You can have multiple index and search configurations and test a combination of configurations before selecting the one that suits your business requirements most. Content sources are common for all the indices. Each index can have an index configuration mapped to  one of the search configurations. Together the combination is called a variant.