SearchAssist for Websites

When implemented for a Website SearchAssist offers both  traditional and assistant search experiences. SearchAssist can help you achieve the objectives of the use-case.  

Here are different use-cases that will demonstrate the search capabilities:

  • Traditional Search Traditional search with the search bar on the top of the page where your user enters a query. 
    • Snippets and Suggestions SearchAssist auto-generates Smart snippets and smart suggestions from your website content based on search query. For a query “Who is your CEO”, SA creates a featured snippet from the content available as shown here,  SA also creates some close suggestions as snippets on the right pane in a carousel format to scroll horizontally and view. End-users can view the actual search results along with the tab facets following the  featured snippet.
    • Personalization  For a query “Where is the office located?”, based on the user’s context, current location, relevant results can be boosted.If a user is accessing your website from a location in the USA then SearchAssist can be configured to show your office location(s) within the USA on the top, followed by other locations
      In this case the website content owner can  boost the results from the USA over other results.
    • Dynamic Facets Query “what are the potential chatbot use-cases for a bank?”SA dynamically identifies the appropriate facet and applies the corresponding filters automatically in the background and displays the results corresponding to the intent in this case  banking.

  • VirtualAssistant Experience A conversation dialogue interface pops up from the bottom of the web page with the landing screen with quick suggestions to popular search queries. 
    •  Proactive Notification: Your user is on a page of your website that has content about partnership programs. SearchAssist understands that the user is exploring how to become a partner and proactively sends a quick notification. The assistant engages with your user on that page for the purpose of “becoming a partner” , captures user requirements and points to relevant links.
      The notification can be configured from SearchAssist to capture user attention and initiate engagement. Especially useful in scenarios like the pricing page of your website where a quick proactive notification pops up and engages the user. User engagement on the pricing page implies a quality lead is generated.

    • AutoNavigation / Redirection of Page: SearchAssist can automatically redirect to the relevant page based on search context.If an enterprise website user queries “How  to create an RFP for a product?”, from the home screen. You can configure the search assistant to  automatically navigate to the relevant page in the background. In the foreground in the chat window SearchAssist provides a guided tour with steps which  the user can follow to complete the task. 
    • VirtualAssistant integration with SearchAssist User enters a query, “How do I register for training?”, expressing his/her requirement to register for the training. The Search Assistant identifies the intent and maps it to the capability of the linked virtual assistant that specializes in training registration, in this case.

      User can now see the VirtualAssistant(bot) intent along with other search results like FAQs and pages that carry information in reply to the query.

      When the user clicks on the identified intent a journey is triggered to take the user through the steps of registration for the training; i.e., the user is now having a conversation with the assistant to complete the task of “Training Registration”.