Glossary of Terms

Here is a glossary of key search and SearchAssist platform terms.

Analytics This feature provides real-time, interactive, and smart insights about the SearchAssist app’s performance. To learn more, see  Analyzing Metrics.
Business Rules Rules personalize and fine-tune search results based on context. Rules can also be used to configure merchandising and promotions. To learn more, see Configuring Business Rules.
Channel A channel connects your SearchAssist app with one or more communication apps. To learn more, see Managing Channels.
Entity Extraction In a virtual assistant’s context, entity extraction means fetching the required information to accomplish a task via named entities or categories. The SearchAssist platform uses NLP techniques to find and track named entities from the source field. To learn more, see Extracting Entities.
Experiments Test combinations of multiple indexes and search configurations with two or more variants. Use the results to select the index that can best achieve your business goals, improve search relevance, and enhance the user experience. To learn more, see Experiments with Search Variants.
Facets Facets allow users to define their own views by applying a unique set of filters. Refine search results by selecting relevant filters in parallel based on field values. To learn more, see Creating Facets.
Fields Fields are key areas identified from the data sources that can be used to create the search index schema for easy retrieval. For example, questions and answers for an FAQ source, heading, and body for files or web content. To learn more, see  Configuring Search Fields.
Field Mapping Field Mapping is a stage in the Indexing Pipeline used to perform custom mapping to the target field.
Indexing An information processing technique that helps search engines display quick responses to user queries. SearchAssist’s algorithm applies the inverted index process and, by default, indexes all data.
Index Configuration Configure SearchAssist app fields relevant to your business use cases. The result is more efficient document handling and customized data results. To learn more, see Managing Indices.Index configuration involves the following processes:

  • Define Fields as the properties from the data sources that you want to include or exclude from the index.
  • Define Traits to identify specific entities or attributes that can be extracted from the users’ input.
  • Configure Indexing Pipeline Stages to transform source content into optimized documents using the Workbench.
  • Train SearchAssist to build the index based on the configurations, especially after each update.
Indexing Pipeline Transforms content into a document suitable for indexing. The pipeline consists of a series of configurable stages. Each stage performs a set of data transformation operations before passing the resulting content to the next stage.
Keyword Extraction This technique automatically detects important words from the text stored in a field.  To learn more, see Extracting Keywords.’s Virtual Assistant or Bot A virtual assistant application built on the bot platform or’s Experience Optimization platform.
Results Ranking Use this interactive and visual tool to customize search results and support business goals. To learn more, see Tuning Results Ranking.
Result Templates SearchAssist templates that can customize the display format of individual query results in a search interface. To learn more, see Designing Results Views.
Search Experience Customize the front-end design to present search results in a meaningful way for the user. To learn more, see Designing Search Experience.
Search Interface The front-end design for search users to submit queries.
SearchAssist App (in the UI) The application created on the SearchAssist platform. Use the platform to add and manage content, store indexes, test configurations, fine-tune relevance, define and apply business rules all with the broad aim of delivering a personalized search experience.
Semantic Analysis A technique to understand the logical meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure. To learn more, see Applying Semantic Meanings.
Search Configuration This tool lets you configure search results in response to specific queries. Improve the user experience by presenting the most relevant results as per business requirements.
Sources Sources are the origins of content ingested into your SearchAssist app. Ingest static content from files and databases. You can also map dynamic content from websites or action prompts from the actively linked enterprise Virtual Assistants. To learn more, see Managing Content.
Synonyms Add keyword synonyms to help the SearchAssist app effectively identify user queries.
Traits Traits are specific attributes or characteristics that users exhibit or express in their conversations. Traits have unique utterances that can lead to identifying intent. Extract traits from documents and user queries to increase relevance scores. To learn more, see Configuring Traits.
Workbench Workbench transforms source content into objects for indexing. Bundled with a simulator, the Workbench provides an interactive preview of how stage rules affect a document before it is indexed. To learn more, see Managing Indexing Pipeline.
Weights Assign a weight to each field in the index configuration. Those weights play an important role in ranking results and can be used to fine-tune search relevance. To learn more, see Adding Weights.