SearchAssist Overview

SearchAssist is a conversational search platform that combines natural language understanding with intelligent virtual assistant actions. The result is a contextualized search experience that is proactive and personalized for your users. The powerful no-code platform helps you launch word-class search experiences within days and provides measurable progress towards your business goals. Drive brand engagement and increase conversions by designing impactful search experiences powered by interactive virtual avatars.

Search Any Content

SearchAssist supports a wide range of data sources for building your search index. This includes website crawlers, structured data, unstructured documents, catalogs, FAQs and knowledge bases. SearchAssist also provides prebuilt integrations with popular commerce and content platforms with full support for automatic sync and document access control policies. SearchAssist’s federated search capabilities allow you to leverage the search results from any of your existing business systems.

Engage with Virtual Assistants

Enhance the search experience for your users by seamlessly engaging them with intelligent virtual assistant actions. The virtual assistants designed in’s Experience Optimization(XO) platform can be integrated effortlessly in a few clicks with nearly no coding. Drive engagement, offer self-service automation and increase conversions by contextually engaging the virtual assistant actions.

AI-powered Relevance Optimization & Recommendations

The powerful index workbench helps in organizing and transforming your data with AI-powered index stages. Extract entities, identify traits, transform natural language inputs to business rules and more. The dynamic faceted search help your customers easily find the relevant results. The SearchAssist recommendations engine helps you in proactively offering personalized products and services to your customers.

Engaging Search User Interface

The search user interface plays a very critical role in delivering great search experiences for your customers. With SearchAssist, you can build engaging search experiences using the traditional search bar mode or the assistant mode for your apps, websites or portals. SearchAssist provides predefined templates for various use cases and also allows you to fully customize the search widget and search results.

Actionable Insights

Understand what your customers are looking for and optimize the search results with SearchAssist’s actionable click and search analytics. Get a deeper understanding of works for your customers by launching the A/B experiments using variations of the index and search configurations.


SearchAssist is the world’s first conversational search engine which combines natural language search with the automatic execution of  tasks in conversations. It can collate data from diverse sources, index and retrieve results in no-time.’s no-code and Conversational User Interface (CUI) approach for Search Assistant, eliminates the need of maintaining  dedicated IT teams.  SearchAssist allows you to customize search  parameters, design display and rank priorities fetching the most relevant results to the user  as per your business goals. Virtual assistants designed in’s Experience Optimization(XO) platform can be integrated effortlessly in a few clicks with nearly no coding.

Driven by the latest technology and dedicated expert teams, popular search engines, social platforms and e-commerce aggregators offer rich intuitive search experience to all users. When the same user tries to query your website or app their expectations are already set high in terms of search experience. SearchAssist gears you up with a PaaS approach to overcome that challenge of offering a similar or even better search experience to your users.

SearchAssist enables your business with a technology platform to build and deliver an advanced or even a better search experience to your customers without the need to allocate dedicated teams in-house giving more available resources to your core line of business.

Most e-commerce and enterprise websites have the following limitations in the search experience they currently offer, they:

  • do not interpret natural language queries or utterances.
  • fail to discover intents and objectively drive through the journeys of the intents.
  • are restricted to keyword-based search criteria.
  • leave the intent unfulfilled without invoking any actions.

Benefits to your Business’s unique comprehensive approach helps your business realize the following benefits like:

  • personalization to your end user search experience
  • A/B testing, a testing methodology to compare up to four competing variants,  between search experiences.
  • quick insights on end user’s behavior
  • cognitive abilities to interpret end user’s  natural language queries allows SearchAssist to detect the context and intent of  the user better which inturn enables to refine the search and / or drive the intent.
  • ease of developing and deploying Search Assistants by business users
  • purpose-driven search experience in a unified interface to achieve the search objective without end-users spending excess efforts nor digressing.

All the aforementioned advanced functionality is offered in a no-code/low-code business-user friendly mode at one place i.e., in a single interface.

Hence a complete and fulfilling search journey and experience ensuring high quality of search.

How SearchAssist Works

SearchAssist allows you to build and  deploy Search Assistants that are intelligent enough to

  • enable you to present contextualized and personalized search experiences for your users.
  • integrate seamlessly with other major repositories
  • use the built-in ability to hand-hold users to perform bot-driven actions
  • leverage the Natural Language Processing(NLP), Artificial intelligence(AI) capabilities to interpret user queries
  • present results in both traditional and conversational modes.

With the contexts identified, SearchAssist lands your end-users in more relevant and personalized results catering to the search purpose more precisely and effectively. It can point both to relevant content and calls-to-action delivering their intent if any, with an engaging interactive ease.

The SearchAssist platform enables you to develop Search Assistants with the following capabilities   and takes you through the following stages of the Search Assistant lifecycle:

  • Initiating stage i.e,  Creating the Search Assistant
  • Adding and Mapping Content Sources
  • Indexing Content
  • Managing Relevance
  • Viewing Analytics and drawing Insights
  • Designing Search Experience, UIs
  • Defining and Running Experiments
  • Maintaining your Search Assistants
  • Managing Account

Developer-Friendly Platform-as-a Service(PaaS)  

In addition to all the functionality developed by business users, SearchAssist allows developers to:

  • extend and customize Search Assistants using the API library provided
  • access and utilize APIs with documentation with ease
  • integrate with other major content repositories and platforms 
  • customize search interface to a great extent

Deployment Scenarios

Search Assistants created can be deployed in the following scenarios:

  1. Business User Enablement: Business users of E-Commerce sites, apps, or merchandisers or product catalog owners  in the retail domain:
    • Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG) vertical
    • prospective OEMs aiming for Direct to Consumer(D2C)
    • Ride hailing apps
    • aggregators, including from both the preceding.All the preceding trying to enhance Customer Experience(CX), position some products, marketing offers, by building and deploying a customized search app onto their D2C channels.Additionally you can apply customized business rules for each of the preceding scenarios providing better search experience to your customers and facilitating more conversions. Refer SearchAssist for E-Commerce.
  2. Employee Work Enablement: Enterprise intranet website content owners, process owners trying to enhance Employee Experience(EX) and productivity to enable employees to perform better search and gain knowledge that enables their work. Refer  SearchAssist for Enterprise websites.
  3. Customer Support Agent Enablement: Customer support executives doing Knowledge search for product and/or process knowledge to provide better support calls leading to better CX. Refer SearchAssist for Knowledge Search.
  4. Developer Enablement: Developers can integrate at API level and invoke search SearchAssist capabilities from code level and integrate to their preferred channels,  website and/or apps.  Refer to  Developer’s Guide.


Use-Cases Overview

Apps created in SearchAssist can be deployed in the following scenarios:

  1. Business User Enablement: Business users of E-Commerce sites, apps, or merchandisers or product catalog owners  in the retail domain: 
    • Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG) vertical
    • prospective OEMs aiming for Direct to Consumer(D2C)
    • Ride hailing apps 
    • aggregators, including from both the precedingAll the preceding trying to enhance Customer Experience(CX), position some products, marketing offers, by building and deploying a customized search app onto their D2C channels. Additionally you can apply customized business rules for each of the preceding scenarios providing better search experience to your customers and facilitating more conversions. Refer SearchAssist for E-Commerce.
  2. Employee Work Enablement: Enterprise intranet website content owners, process owners trying to enhance Employee Experience(EX) and productivity to enable employees to perform better search and gain knowledge that enables their work. Refer  SearchAssist for Enterprise websites.  
  3. Customer Support Agent Enablement: Customer support executives doing Knowledge search for product and/or process knowledge to provide better support calls leading to better CX. Refer SearchAssist for Knowledge Search.  
  4. Developer Enablement: Developers can integrate at API level and invoke search SearchAssist capabilities from code level and integrate to their preferred channels,  website and/or apps.  Refer to  Developer’s Guide.

On this Page


Indexing is the technique by which search engines process and retrieve information from  databases/repositories to quickly respond to users’ queries with relevant results. An index is a collection of documents and each document is a collection of fields that contains the data.

Inverted Index is a process that inverts a page-centric data structure into a keyword-centric data structure. Tracking keyword locations from an inverted index is more efficient. For example, in a printed book Table of Contents(TOC) is considered as indexing. The keyword index that is present in the last pages of the book with the page numbers, applies Inverted Indexing.

In SearchAssist the Index Configuration allows you to configure the fields, traits and keywords relevant to your business use-cases.

Once you create an app in SearchAssist, the Default Index is automatically generated. By default, SearchAssist creates system generated fields that will be used for   indexing .

SearchAssist allows you to create multiple index configurations from which you can apply one and switch among available configurations as required. You can set any custom index configuration as the default one.

Custom Index Configuration

You can fine tune, enhance the Default Index or create your own index configurations. To create multiple indices, you can either

  • clone an existing configuration or
  • create a new configuration from scratch.

Ensure to click Train your App each time you make changes to any index configuration. This builds the index based on the updated configurations and facilitates best results.

The index configuration involves the following processes:

  • Add Fields as the properties from the data sources you intend to include or exclude from the index. Refer Manage Fields.
  • Add Traits to help identify specific attributes you intend to extract from the users’ input. Refer Manage Traits.

Configure and organize Indexing Pipeline Stages to transform the input content into objectively indexed documents using the Workbench by applying the proposed or new Configurations. Refer Configure Workbench.

You can have multiple index and search configurations and test a combination of configurations before selecting the one that suits your business requirements most. Content sources are common for all the indices. Each index can have an index configuration mapped to  one of the search configurations. Together the combination is called a variant.




About SearchAssist Platform
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About SearchAssist

SearchAssist is an end-to-end platform that enables you to deliver an interactive and intent-accomplishing search experience for your customers or employees. You can create cognitive search engines for your enterprise with conversational capability to deploy onto your preferred channels. Search apps are customized for your business contexts converging Natural Language Processing(NLP), Artificial intelligence(AI) and conversational competencies. Additionally, SearchAssist allows you to integrate with Virtual Assistants and present the services they offer driving the desired actions to completion, all in a single interface.

Driven by the latest technology and dedicated expert teams, popular search engines, social platforms and e-commerce aggregators offer rich intuitive search experience to all users. When the same prospect tries to query your website or app for offerings their expectations are already set high in terms of search experience.

SearchAssist enables your business with a technology platform to build and deliver an advanced or even a better search experience to your customers without the need to allocate dedicated teams in-house giving more available resources to your core line of business.

Most e-commerce and enterprise websites have the following limitations in their current search experience in:

  • do not interpret natural language queries or utterances.
  • fail to discover intents and objectively drive through the journeys of the intents.
  • restricted to keyword-based search criteria.
  • leave the intent unfulfilled without invoking any actions.

The’s Approach 

How it benefits your Business:’s unique advanced approach helps your business realize the following benefits:

  • enabling you to present contextualized and personalized search experiences for your users.
  • Applying cognitive abilities to interpret end user’s  natural language queries allows SearchAssist to detect the context and intent of  the user better which inturn enables to refine the search and / or drive the intent.
  • ease of developing and deploying apps by business users
  • ensuring a seamless, and purpose-driven search experience. All  the features in a unified interface to achieve the search objective without end-users spending excess efforts nor digressing.
  • all the advanced functionality offered in a no-code/low-code business-user friendly mode, to deliver an intuitive CUI mode of user engagement.

Hence a complete and fulfilling search journey and experience ensuring high quality of search.

How SearchAssist Works

Search Assist allows you to build and  apps that are intelligent enough to

  • comprehend end-user queries in their natural language
  • discovers his or her intent and prompting the end-user with calls-to-action
  • provide answers to search queries in an engaging manner in Conversational User Interface (CUI)
  • use the built-in ability to hand-hold users to perform bot-driven actions
  • allow A/B testing, a testing methodology to compare up to four competing variants,  between search experiences.

With the contexts identified, SearchAssist lands your end-users in more relevant and personalized results catering to the search purpose more precisely and effectively. It can point both to relevant content and calls-to-action delivering their intent if any, with an engaging interactive ease.

The SearchAssist platform enables you to develop a apps with the following capabilities   and takes you through the following stages of the app lifecycle:

  • Initiating stage by Creating the app
  • Adding and Mapping Sources
  • Managing Indices
  • Managing Relevance
  • Viewing Analytics and drawing Insights
  • Designing Search Experience, UIs
  • Defining and Running Experiments
  • Maintaining your apps
  • Managing Account

Developer-Friendly Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS)  

In addition to all the functionality developed by business users, SearchAssist allows developers to:

  • extend and customize apps using the API library provided
  • access and utilize APIs with documentation with ease
  • integrate with other major content repositories and platforms 
  • customize search interface to a great extent