How to Manage Roles

To collaboratively configure the search app in the making, use the Team option.  Share an invite to each one of the team members to get access to the app. Assign the role of co-worker of each one of the team members to start working on the app.

Currently SearchAssist  supports multiple users with the equal privileges. 

To add new team members, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Manage tab on the top.
  2. By default, the General Settings page is displayed. On the left pane, click Team.
  3. On the Team page, click + Add Members on the upper-right.
  4. On the Add Members dialog box, type email addresses in the App Members field and hit Enter to add the email address of the prospective team member.
  5. You can add multiple email addresses. 
  6. The members you add would get an email invitation. On clicking the accept link:
    • The invited member can access the shared SearhApp in the making and collaborate instantly.
    • The shared search App will be listed on the listing page of the member.

From the Team page, you can

  • Use the search icon on the upper-right of the page to find your team members.
  • Use the delete icon against a team member to remove their access to the search app.