How to Add Stop words

To add stop words, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Indices tab on the top.
  2. On the left pane, under the Search Configuration section, click Stop Words.
  3. Let’s start by adding stop words dialog box pops up.
    1. On the dialog box, by default, the Default Stop Words option is selected. You can start with this list. On the Stop Words page, you can view all the default stop words. You can review and delete any unwanted words.
    2. If required, you can choose to Start from Scratch and create your own list of stop words.
  4. Click Continue.must be **??
  5. In the Add Stop Word field, add stop words and click Add.
  6. Add multiple stop words with comma separation.
  7. You can also enable or disable the stop words with the toggle on the upper-right.