How to Add App Credentials

SearchAssist allows you to create credentials to configure channels and API scopes. Use the credentials created in the <SDK config.file> for the SDK to interact with the SearchAssist application.

To add credentials, take the following steps:

  1. On the landing page, click the Manage tab on the top.
  2. By default, the General Settings page is displayed. On the left pane, click Credentials.
  3. You will find the applications you created listed here. You can also create a new credential.
  4. On the Manage Credentials page, click + Add Credential on the upper-right.
  5. On the Add Credential dialog box:
    • Enter a name in the Credential Name field.
    • Select a signing algorithm from the JWT Signing Algorithm Used For Client App Authentication dropdown list.
  6. Click Save.

To delete a credential, take the following steps:

  • On the Manage Credentials page, click the delete icon on the respective credential.
  • On the Delete Credential dialog box, click Delete.

Note: You can’t delete a credential if it’s associated with a channel.