Platform Dashboard

The Overview tab opens the dashboard. This is where you can find a snapshot of all the SearchAssist apps – in production and launched.

To view high-level information about each SearchAssist app, go to the top right corner, click the app button and select an option.


The Overview dashboard provides an all-round view and links to drill down on all the major areas of the platform related to the selected app: 

  • Content types and number of documents indexed along with index details
  • Insights on Total Users, Total Searches, Searches with Results, Searches with Clicks 
  • All active experiments 
  • Current subscription plan and usage statistics  

Platform Dashboard

The Overview tab in the SearchAssist platform is the dashboard that  gives a snapshot of the search apps that are in the making or the ones already launched.

To view high-level info on various aspects of each app, select the desired app from the dropdown in the top right.

The overview dashboard provides both an all-round view and links to navigate to all the major areas of the platform pertaining to the app selected:

  • Lists the content types and the number of documents indexed along with index details
  • insights on total number of users, total searches, results, and clicks
  • Lists all active experiments
  • Your Current subscription plan and usage statistics