Accessing the Search Assistant Dashboard


The dashboard gives the highest level and generic overview of the usage of the launched or the active Search Assistant. It displays the transaction data for analytics like total users, total searches, result rate, clicks, and average click position. For more detailed analytics on specific aspects refer to the  respective sections.  

To access the dashboard,

  • Click the Analytics tab on the top and select Dashboard from the dropdown
  • You can filter the metrics on a specific time period or a time window like:
    • the past 24 Hrs
    • the past 7 Days selected by default, or
    • a custom period range  selecting the start and end dates from the date picker provided 


The following table gives the details of the dashboard metrics:

Metrics Description Additional Notes
Live Data
Total Users The number of unique users who accessed the Search Assistant during the selected period.
Total Searches The total number of searches performed during the selected period.
Result Rate Percentage of searches that returned at least one result.
Clicks The number of searches where at least one result was clicked by the search user.
Average Click Position Average position of clicks performed on the search results. For example: For a query “iPad”, if there were the following clicks:

  • 2 clicks on the 1st result
  • 1 click on the 3rd result
  • 1 click on the 10th result

The click position will be (1 + 1 + 3 + 10) / 4 = 3.75

Search Trends It gives an overview of :

  • Total searches – How many searches were performed;
  • Searches with results (Result Rate) – Percentage of searches that returned at least one result.
  • Searches with clicks (Click Through Rate) – Percentage of tracked searches where at least one result was clicked on by the user.
  • The metrics are displayed for the time period selected;
  • Filter the metrics based on Live Search and/or Full Page Search.
Top Search Queries
  • Queries that are searched the most number of times.
  • Query-wise split is also displayed along with the number of times it was searched.
  • Results associated with the queries.
  • Order on the ascending or descending count of queries
  • View all option to navigate to the corresponding tab in the insights section
  • For Top Search Queries, the results associated with the queries are displayed.
Top Search Queries with No Result Top queries that yielded no results. Query-wise split is also displayed along with the number of times it was searched.
  • Order on the ascending or descending count of queries
  • View all option to navigate to the corresponding tab in the insights section
Top Search Results Search results that appeared the most number of times. For each search result the following details are listed:

  • number of times this result appeared;
  • number of times the result was clicked;
  • click-through rate i.e. number of unique clicks (Multiple clicks counted to 1 for each time the result appeared) / appearances;
  • average position of the result;
  • queries associated with the results.
  • Order on the ascending or descending count of any of the parameters displayed
  • Filter metrics based on the result type – FAQs, Pages, Tasks etc.
Feedback End-user feedback analysis

  • Percentage of searches that received user feedback
  • Percentage of results positive and negative feedback
  • Coming Soon
Most Clicked Position Position at which the search results were clicked by end-users the most number of times. Sorted in the descending order of the number of clicks.



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