Getting Insights from Search Queries


You can draw insights from metrics on search queries. SearchAssist provides a list of queries that were asked by the end-users and the metrics associated with it. Use the data to improve the search experience for the end-user. For example, if a search query was asked too many times but did not return any results, then add appropriate content to the Search Assistant like:

  • In  the case of ecommerce content, if the query returns no result, the item can be procured or an FAQ can be added against the queried item name stating it’s not the product or service you deal with and cannot be found here
  • In the case of an enterprise portal, if the query does not return a desired document, to the FAQ a question answer pair can be added stating the non-conformance with or without reason

A number of no-results returned is a significant insight in itself to act upon. 

To access search insights, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Analytics tab on the top and select Search Insights from the dropdown.
  2. On the Search Insights page, find a list of search queries with and without results.
  3. Filter the metrics based on the time period or a time window like:
    • the past 24 Hrs
    • the past 7 Days selected by default, or
    • a custom period range  by selecting the start and end dates from the date picker provided.


The following table lists the metrics displayed:

Metrics Details Additional Notes
Queries with Result
Count Number of times the particular query was asked by the end-user
  • Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of count and/or clicks
  • For Top Search Queries, you can see the results associated with the queries
  • For each search results  view the following metrics:
    • Appearances is the Number of times the result appeared for the query
    • Number of clicks is the Number of times the result was clicked of all the times it appeared
    • Click through rate is the Number of unique clicks (Multiple clicks counted to 1 for each time the result appeared) / appearances
    • Avg. Position is the Average position of the result for the search query
Clicks Number of times the end-user clicked a particular query 
Queries without Result
Count Number of times the end-user queried the particular query.
  • Sort the results in the ascending/descending order of the count





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