Getting Insights from Results


You can draw insights from the metrics on search results. SearchAssist provides insights on all the results that appeared for the user queries along with associated metrics for each result so that you can improve the results to make them more relevant for the end-user.

To access results insights, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Analytics tab on the top and select Results Insights from the dropdown.
  2.  filter the results over a time period or a time window like:
    • the past 24 hours
    • the past 7 weeks, set by default; or
    • a custom time-period range by selecting the start and end dates from the date picker provided


The following table lists the metrics displayed:

Metrics Description Notes
Appearances Number of times the result appeared for any user query For Top Search Results,  see the queries associated with the results.
Number of clicks Number of times the user clicked the result 
Click-through rate Number of unique clicks (Multiple clicks counted to 1 for each time the result appeared) / appearances
Avg. Position Average position of the result for the search query



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