Developer’s Corner

This guide helps developers deploy and integrate their SearchAssist app on their website or a channel. The SearchAssist platform includes an SDK along with a tutorial and associated API documentation. 

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for setting up and running an instance of the SearchAssist Web SDK, which is a collection of libraries that you can use to integrate a SearchAssist app with your other web applications.


Follow these steps prior to installing and configuring the SearchAssist Web SDK.

  • Build a SearchAssist app for integration  To get started, you need to develop a SearchAssist app on the SearchAssist platform in business user mode and then configure the SearchAssist app to run in the Web/Mobile Client channel. 
  • Create a New Credential  You need to create a credential while configuring the Web/Mobile client channel. 
  • Configure Web/Mobile Client channel  To use the SearchAssist app with the Web SDK, you must configure the app for the Web/Mobile Client channel using the credentials created in the preceding step. 
  • Copy the following details from the Web/Mobile client details page
    • Search Assistant Name
    • Search Assistant ID
    • Client ID
    • Client secret ID
    • Search ID

APIs Overview’s API Ecosystem and Library Overview

  • Frontend Libraries
  • API Clients
  • Integration 
    • Supported Frameworks
    • Platforms
  • Hosts
  • Syntax and Formats
  • Channel specific instructions, API guides, 
    • website, Google Hangout, Meta’s WhatsApp, etc.


Developer’s Corner


This guide equips developers to deploy and integrate their Search Assistant to their website or a channel, SearchAssist platform includes an SDK along with a tutorial  and associated API documentation to refer to. 

This tutorial is a step by step guide for setting up and running an instance of the SearchAssist Web SDK, which is a collection of libraries that you can use to integrate Search Assistants  with your other web applications.


Take the following steps prior to installing and configuring the SearchAssist Web SDK.

  • Build a Search Assistant to be integrated – To get started, you need to develop a Search Assistant on  the SearchAssist platform in business user mode, and then configure the Search Assistant to run in the Web/Mobile Client channel. 
  • Create a new Credential – As a prerequisite, you need to create a credential to refer to while configuring the Web/Mobile client channel. 
  • Configure Web/Mobile Client channel – To use the Search Assistant with the Web SDK, you must configure the Search Assistant for the Web/Mobile Client channel using the credentials created in the preceding step. 
  • From the Web/Mobile client details page and copy the following details from the Web/Mobile client details page
    • Search Assistant Name
    • Search Assistant ID
    • Client ID
    • Client secret ID
    • Search ID