Virtual Assistants
Kore.ai Platform
Key Concepts
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Accessing Platform
Virtual Assistant Builder
Virtual Assistant Types
Getting Started
Create a Simple Bot
Dialog Tasks
Dialog Builder (New)
Dialog Builder (Legacy)
User Intent Node
Dialog Node
Entity Node
Supported Entity Types
Composite Entities
Supported Colors
Supported Company Names
Form Node
Logic Node
Message Nodes
Confirmation Nodes
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Custom Authentication
2-way SSL for Service nodes
Script Node
Agent Transfer Node
WebHook Node
Grouping Nodes
Connections & Transitions
Manage Dialogs
User Prompts
Knowledge Graph
Importing and Exporting
Knowledge Extraction
Alert Tasks
Ignore Words and Field Memory
How to Schedule a Smart Alert
Small Talk
Digital Views
How to Configure Digital Views
Digital Forms
How to Configure Digital Forms
Machine Learning
Model Validation
Fundamental Meaning
NLP Guidelines
Knowledge Graph
How to Use Traits
Ranking and Resolver
Advanced NLP Configurations
Context Management
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
How to Manage Context Switching
Manage Interruptions
Dialog Management
Sub Intents & Follow-up Intents
Amend Entity
Multi-Intent Detection
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Sentiment Management
Event Based Bot Actions
Default Conversations
Default Standard Responses
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Record Conversations
Conversation Testing
Custom Dashboard
How to Create Custom Dashboard
Conversation Flows
NLP Metrics
Universal Bots
Enabling Languages
Smart Bots
koreUtil Libraries
Language Management
PII Settings
IVR Integration
General Settings
Import & Export
Bot Versioning
Collaborative Development
Plan Management
API Overview
API List
API Collection
SDK Overview
SDK Security
SDK App Registration
Web SDK Tutorial
Message Formatting and Templates
Mobile SDK Push Notification
Widget SDK Tutorial
Widget SDK – Message Formatting and Templates
Web Socket Connect & RTM
Using the BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Agent Transfer
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Flight Search Sample Bot
Using an External NLP Engine
Create a Simple Bot
Create a Banking Bot
Transfer Funds Task
Update Balance Task
Context Switching
Using Traits
Schedule a Smart Alert
Configure UI Forms
Add Form Data into Data Tables
Configuring Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Custom Dashboard
Custom Tags to filter Bot Metrics
Patterns for Intents & Entities
Build Knowledge Graph
Global Variables
Content Variables
Using Bot Functions
Configure Agent Transfer




  • 予約済みの通知: ユーザーは、指定した曜日、時間、頻度に応じて通知をトリガーするように予約設定を行うことができます。
  • フィルタリング済みの通知: ユーザーは、金額、日付、テキストの一致など、特定のしきい値に到達したときに通知をトリガーするように設定できます。



  • 時間や場所に応じたプロモーション
  • 予約済みの配信の更新
  • 在庫状況の変動
  • 重要な問題の通知
  • パンデミックや気象関連の認知
  • 組織横断的なステータスの変化




最初に、エンド ユーザー側でのタスクの見え方を定義します。[一般] タブの [設定] には、タスク名、接続モード、説明、およびタスク デモや検索キーワードなどの詳細設定が含まれています。

  1. 通知タスクを作成するボットを開きます。
  2. 左側のペインでBotタスクをクリックします。
  3. [ボット タスク] ページで、[通知タスク] タブにカーソルを合わせ、+アイコンをクリックします。
  4. [タスク名] フィールドに名前を入力します。これは [表示名] としても自動入力されます。ボット ストアはタスクの表示名を使用します。必要に応じて表示名を変更することができます。
  5. 接続タイプ接続モードを選択します(詳細は下表を参照してください)。
  6. 作成して続行をクリックします。

    フィールド名 説明
    タスク名 プラットフォームに表示される通知タスクの名前です。
    表示名 ボット ストアに表示される通知タスクの名前です。タスク名は、デフォルトでは表示名として使用されます。しかし、表示名は変更することができます。
    接続タイプ タスクの接続タイプを選択します。

    • Webhook – Web アプリケーションは、Kore.ai が発行するタスクの URL エンドポイントにデータをプッシュします。
    • RSS – Web サービスは、Kore.ai がポーリングした場合に RSS フィードを返し、エンドユーザーのログイン認証を求める場合があります。
    • Web サービス – Web サービスは、エンド ユーザー アカウントのログイン情報を使用して Kore.ai がポーリングした場合、Kore.ai にデータをプッシュします。
    接続モード [Web サービス] [接続タイプ] が設定されている場合、接続の [接続モード] を次のように指定します。

    • REST – 通知タスクは REST API 接続を使用します。または
    • SOAP – 通知タスクは SOAP API 接続を使用します。




フィールド名 説明
タスクのインストール確認メッセージ タスクが正常に設定された際に、エンド ユーザーに表示するメッセージです。
確認メッセージを無効にする NLP の使用時にタスクの実行の確認を無効にするには、[はい] を選択します。[いいえ] を選択すると、タスクを実行する前にタスクを確認するよう求められます。
検索キーワード エンド ユーザーが Kore.ai ボット ストアでこのタスクの検索に使用できる 1 つ以上のキーワードを指定します。
タスクのデモ リンク www.youtube.com のリンク (例:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB3P7kDKXZ4 ) を入力すると、ボット ストアに表示されるタスクの横にタスクのデモ アイコンが表示されます。


通知タスクのお知らせメッセージを取得するために、エンドユーザーがどのように権限を付与されている必要があるかについて、定義する必要があります。たとえば Twitter は、認証済みエンドユーザーを必要とする Web サービスを使用した通知タスクです。Kore.aiがエンドユーザーアカウントにアクセスして通知タスクのデータをポーリングできるようにするために、通知タスクの認証は、Twitterに使用されるエンドユーザーのユーザー名およびパスワードと同じものになります。

注意: [接続タイプ] [Webhook] に設定されている通知タスクの認証は、通知タスクの設定の一部としては不要です。



  1. APIリクエストタブで、認証セクションの展開アイコンをクリックします。
  2. このタスクの認証を前もって定義している場合は、認証プロバイダードロップダウンリストで選択することができます。タスクが認証を必要としない場合は、次の図に示すように、認証プロバイダードロップダウンリストでなしを選択することができます。
    アクションタスク - [APIリクエスト] タブ - 認証セクションのオプション
  3. 新しい認証プロバイダーを定義するには、新規作成をクリックします。
  4. 新しい認証メカニズムウィンドウでは、以下の図のように、認証タイプドロップダウンリストから、Botで使用する認証タイプを選択します。


基本認証 – ユーザー名とパスワード情報を収集するための標準的なプロトコルです。Kore.ai は基本認証と組み合わせて SSL 暗号化を使用し、エンドユーザーの情報を安全に保護します。設定の詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。

OAuth v2パスワード付与タイプ – 標準でないウェブサービス認証タイプのカスタム認証タイプを定義します。設定の詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。

OAuth v2クライアントクレデンシャル

OAuth v1 – エンドユーザーがKore.aiにログイン認証情報を開示する必要なく、ウェブアプリケーションやウェブサービスがAPIを使って保護されたリソースにアクセスできるようにします。設定の詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。

OAuth v2 – ウェブアプリケーションやウェブサービス用の特定の認証フローに焦点を当てたOAuthプロトコルの最新バージョンです。設定の詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。

APIキー – アプリケーションのリクエストを識別するために、そして場合によっては、安全なアクセスのための認証を提供するために使用される、ウェブアプリケーションまたはウェブサービスによって生成または提供されるIDおよび認証トークンです。設定の詳細はこちらをクリックしてください。


タスクに対してボットの Web サイト、システム、または Web アプリケーションからデータを要求する API リクエストを設定します。API リクエスト設定は、Webhook、REST、SOAP または RSS API のアクション タスクを設定できます。API パラメーター、任意の API タスク初期化子、API リクエストのプリプロセッサまたはポストプロセッサを定義できます。また、APIリクエストのペイロードから予期される応答サンプルを追加する必要があります。
認証メカニズムを定義し、認証を保存をクリックすると、通知タスクのリクエストを設定することができるようになります。通知タスクのリクエストの設定は、タスクに定義した [接続タイプ] に基づいています。


ボットの通知タスクの [一般] タブの設定項目を入力して通知タスクの [API リクエスト チェーン] を設定すると、通知タスクの結果をエンドユーザーにどのように表示するかを定義できるようになります。このセクションでは、通知タスクの応答を設定する方法について説明します。

  • レポート テンプレートの定義 – 一部のタスクでは、テーブルや連絡先カードなどのテンプレート、または天気予報などの特定のメッセージ タイプ用に書式設定されたテンプレートを使用して、レポート データをペイロードの応答を表示できるリンクとしてエンドユーザーに表示したい場合があります。

    注意: このセクションは、Webhook 通知タスク、アクション タスク、または RSS 通知タスクには使用できません。


  • メッセージの定義 – このセクションでは、Webhookによって送信されたペイロードによって通知が表示された際に、エンドユーザーに表示されるデータの見え方を定義します。詳しくはこちらを参照してください


Botタスクの一般タブの設定を定義し、APIリクエストチェーンを設定し、Bot応答メッセージを定義すると、フィルタリング、通知タスクの実行時、その他の詳細オプションなど、タスクの設定を定義できるようになります。このセクションでは、通知タスクの [設定] タブでパラメーターを定義する方法について説明します。

注意: このセクションは、Webhook の通知タスクには適用されません。


通知タスク (Webhook の通知タスクを除く) では、以下定義する必要があります。

  • フィルター – 通知タスクの結果を、エンド ユーザーが必要とするものだけに制限するよう、エンド ユーザー用のフィルターを定義できます。たとえば、名前やアカウント、ビジネスなどのフィルターを定義できます。エンド ユーザーごとに通知がセットアップされ、フィルターが適用されると、フィルターの条件を満たす通知メッセージのみがエンド ユーザーに表示されます。詳細については、タスクのフィルターの定義をご覧ください。
  • 予約 – 通知タスクは、ボットがリクエストを行った場合にのみ、データを取得するために Web サービスにアクセスします。いつ、どのくらいの頻度で Web サービスに通知メッセージのデータを照会するかを、各タスクに対して定義する必要があります。タスクがセットアップされたときにエンド ユーザーに表示される予約設定、およびタスクのデフォルトの予約設定を定義できます。詳細については、タスクの予約設定 をご覧ください。
  • 詳細設定 – [詳細設定] セクションでは、タスクがセットアップされたときにエンド ユーザーに表示される通知メッセージの初期設定を有効にしたり制限したりするための通知タスクの設定や、通知メッセージのリマインダーを定義できます。また必要に応じて、ユーザーに送信されるメッセージの重複を防止することもできます。詳細については、詳細設定の定義をご覧ください。


[通知タスク] セクションで、ログを表示するタスクの [設定] アイコンをクリックし、[ログを表示] をクリックします。


  • バージョン番号 – マイナー アップグレードとしてのアップグレードのバージョン番号です。たとえば 1.3 の場合、1 はメジャー バージョンのアップグレード番号、3 はマイナー バージョンのアップグレード番号として「X.X」で示されます。
  • 変更者 – アップグレードの変更を行ったボットの開発者のユーザー名です。
  • 変更日 – ボットが承認され、エンタープライズ管理者によって公開された日付です。
  • コメント – アップグレードのためにボットの変更を行った開発者による、アップグレードに関するコメントです。

次の図は、3 回のマイナー アップグレードと 1 回のメジャー アップグレードでバージョン 2 にアップグレードされたボットの、[バージョン履歴] ページの例です。


通知タスクに対してトラブルシューティングを行う必要がある場合があります。Kore.ai のボットビルダー ツールでは、Kore.ai のボット プラットフォームやサード パーティのアプリケーションと相互作用する、設定済みかつ公開済みの通知タスクのログ イベントを表示できます。[ログを表示] コマンドを使用すると、各通知タスクのインスタンスのアーカイブ済みログ イベントが表示され、通知タスクのリクエストやアプリケーションの応答を表示できます。[通知タスク] セクションで、ログを表示するタスクの [設定] アイコンをクリックし、[ログを表示] をクリックします。ボットの通知タスクの [ログ] ページが開きます。 View Logs Page 必要に応じて [ログ] ページのエントリを更新できます。 各ログ エントリは、通知タスクの結果を JSON の応答として表しています。

{ "requestLogs": [{ "name": "Request 1", "request": { "endpoint": "http://www.moneycontrol.com/rss/{channel}.xml", "pathFields": { "channel": "latestnews", "lastRun": "2016-12-02T16:50:45Z", "now": "2016-12-02T16:56:37Z", "today": "2016-12-02" }, "payloadFields": {}, "headerFields": { "If-Modified-Since": "Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:30:28 GMT", "If-None-Match": "\"525734-3a49-5426bfa6dff80\"" } }, "response": { "status": 200, "headers": { "server": "Kore.aiOps", "last-modified": "Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:50:10 GMT", "accept-ranges": "bytes", "content-encoding": "gzip", "pragma": "no-cache", "content-length": "3554", "content-type": "application/xml", "vary": "Accept-Encoding", "expires": "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT", "cache-control": "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "age": "0", "connection": "keep-alive" }, "body": " \n\t \n\t \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Latest News\n\t\t\t\tLatest News from Moneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:20:01 +0530\n\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\thttp://img1.moneycontrol.com/images/top2010/moneycontrol_logo.jpg\n\t\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Logo\n\t\t\t\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\tFeed provided by Moneycontrol.\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tPradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/default/200x200_default_img_grey.jpg" alt="Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha" title="Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tNote ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbc-tv18-comments/note-ban-impact-how-vidisha-farmerscoping_8058621.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2014/a/ARCHANA4_200_0102.jpg" alt="Archana Shukla" title="Archana Shukla" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The government's decision to ban old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes has made life difficult for small famers.Trading is a hassle and life in the Madhya Pradesh town is almost at a standstill.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:14:01 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbc-tv18-comments/note-ban-impact-how-vidisha-farmerscoping_8058621.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/b/bigbasket.jpg" alt="Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket" title="Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise.The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tMallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/mallya-pmla-case-court-confirms-rs-1411-attachment-order_8058581.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/v/Vijay_Mallya_Kingfisher_Mallya_london_200x200.jpg" alt="Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order" title="Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> A special anti-money laundering\r\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\r\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\r\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\r\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/mallya-pmla-case-court-confirms-rs-1411-attachment-order_8058581.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRussian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/russian-central-bank-said-it-was-victimattempted-cyber-heist_8058321.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/2/2016-12-02T151033Z_1_LYNXMPECB114Y_RTROPTP_2_RUSSIA-CENBANK-LIQUIDITY-RATES_200.JPG" alt="Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist" title="Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The bank said it managed to recover some of that amount - USD26 million -- but it did not say if that meant the rest had been stolen.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:46:45 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/russian-central-bank-said-it-was-victimattempted-cyber-heist_8058321.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBank of England's Haldane warns against hasty rate hike\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/bankenglands-haldane-warns-against-hasty-rate-hike_8058361.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/2/2016-12-02T125207Z_1_LYNXMPECB10TS_RTROPTP_2_BRITAIN-BOE_200.JPG" alt="Bank of England's Haldane warns against hasty rate hike" title="Bank of England's Haldane warns against hasty rate hike" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The Bank of England's chief economist, Andrew Haldane, said on Friday it would be risky to raise interest rates too hastily and that he was comfortable with the BoE's recent shift to a neutral stance on what its next monetary policy move should be.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:44:54 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/bankenglands-haldane-warns-against-hasty-rate-hike_8058361.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tTourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/tourists-begin-to-feelpinchcash-crunch_8057981.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/ai/foreign_tourists_190.jpg" alt="Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch" title="Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The demonetisation move is impacting various segments of the society.The tourists coming to India are also feeling the pinch of the cash crunch.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:53 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/tourists-begin-to-feelpinchcash-crunch_8057981.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPolitical funding audits key to success of demonetisation: Pros\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/economy/political-funding-audits-key-to-successdemonetisation-pros_8058301.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/a/Ashok_Lahiri_200.jpg" alt="Ashok Lahiri" title="Ashok Lahiri" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The political parties must be open to audits, believe both Govinda Rao, former member, PMEA and Ashok Lahiri, former chief economic advisor.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:32 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/economy/political-funding-audits-key-to-successdemonetisation-pros_8058301.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCore Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/core-diagnostics-gets-3612mn-fundinginvestors_8058561.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/d/Dollar_rupee_ip_down_200x200.jpg" alt="Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors" title="Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Core Diagnostics has received USD 12 million (around Rs 82 crore) funding from various investors including US-based F-Prime Capital Partners.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:15 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/core-diagnostics-gets-3612mn-fundinginvestors_8058561.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/itzcash-ties-up100-cos-for-pre-paid-cards_8058541.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2015/c/creditcardrewardpoints200X200.jpg" alt="ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards" title="ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/& amp; gt; Digital payments facilitator ItzCash has signed up with 100 small- and large-sized companies to offer pre-loaded salary cards for their employees in the wake of cash withdrawal limits from banks post ban on Rs 500/1000 notes.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:13 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/itzcash-ties-up100-cos-for-pre-paid-cards_8058541.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tAmul to launch camel milk in next 3 months\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/amul-to-launch-camel-milknext-3-months_8058521.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2014/p/pro_amul_taaza_full_cream_milk_200_5901.jpg" alt="Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months" title="Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> With food safety regulator FSSAI setting new standards for camel milk, dairy major GCMMF, which sells products under the Amul brand, today said it will launch camel milk in the next three months.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:12 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/amul-to-launch-camel-milknext-3-months_8058521.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPar Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/par-panel-asks-coal-psus-to-recover-dues-worth-rs-13745-cr_8058501.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2012/c/coalindia.jpg" alt="Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr" title="Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> A Parliamentary panel has raised concerns over Rs 13,745 crore in dues to coal PSUs - CIL, SCCL and NLC - and asked them to recover the amount, which can adversely impact their financial position.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:11 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/par-panel-asks-coal-psus-to-recover-dues-worth-rs-13745-cr_8058501.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/rupay-card-usage-jumps-1181st-weekdemonetisation_8058481.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2015/r/rupay_200x200.jpg" alt="RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation" title="RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> RuPay card usage jumped by over 118.6 per cent in the week following demonetisation that took effect from November 8 mid-night while the overall debit and credit card transactions recorded an increase of 70.5 per cent.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:10 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/rupay-card-usage-jumps-1181st-weekdemonetisation_8058481.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/bob-raises-rs-1000-cr-sbtravancore-eyes-rs-600-cr_8058461.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/b/Banks_Queue_Bank_of_Baroda_200x200.jpg" alt="BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr" title="BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Public sector player Bank of Baroda has raised Rs 1,000 crore by issuing bonds that are compliant with global capital adequacy norms or Basel III.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:09 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/bob-raises-rs-1000-cr-sbtravancore-eyes-rs-600-cr_8058461.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tDCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for 'cash free' payments\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/dcb-bank-launches-cippy-wallet-app-for-cash-free-payments_8058441.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2014/d/dcb_200.jpg" alt="DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for 'cash free' payments" title="DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for 'cash free' payments" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Hopping on to the cashless drive, new generation private lender DCB Bank today launched Cippy Wallet app for digital payments.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:08 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/dcb-bank-launches-cippy-wallet-app-for-cash-free-payments_8058441.html\n\t\t\n\t\t" }, "executionTime": "4917 ms" }], "alertsData": [{ "uxmap": { "channel": "default", "body": "<% var newLink = '' + title + '';\n print(newLink); %><%print(\" \");%><% %>" }, "payload": "{\"title\":[\"Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\"],\"link\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\"],\"description\":[\"\\\"Pradhan Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\"],\"pubDate\":[\"Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\"],\"guid\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\"],\"hash\":\"f7dbaed7ebe3d9cb5f265779bd969da6\",\"_fields_\":{\"channel\":\"latestnews\"},\"_labels_\":{\"channel\":\"Latest News\"},\"secretKey\":\"n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\",\"contentType\":\"application/xml\",\"_last_run\":\"2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\"}", "response": { "channel": "default", "body": "Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha ", "updatedSessionStore": { "EnterpriseContext": {}, "BotContext": {}, "UserContext": {}, "UserSession": {}, "BotUserSession": {} } } }, { "uxmap": { "channel": "default", "body": "<% var newLink = '' + title + '';\n print(newLink); %><%print(\" \");%><% %>" }, "payload": "{\"title\":[\"Note ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping\"],\"link\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbc-tv18-comments/note-ban-impact-how-vidisha-farmerscoping_8058621.html\"],\"description\":[\" The government's decision to ban old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes has made life difficult for small famers.Trading is a hassle and life in the Madhya Pradesh town is almost at a standstill.\"],\"pubDate\":[\"Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:14:01 +0530\"],\"guid\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbc-tv18-comments/note-ban-impact-how-vidisha-farmerscoping_8058621.html\"],\"hash\":\"ef03827acaf965207c72d21905ecc804\",\"_fields_\":{\"channel\":\"latestnews\"},\"_labels_\":{\"channel\":\"Latest News\"},\"secretKey\":\"n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\",\"contentType\":\"application/xml\",\"_last_run\":\"2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\"}", "response": { "channel": "default", "body": "Note ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping ", "updatedSessionStore": { "EnterpriseContext": {}, "BotContext": {}, "UserContext": {}, "UserSession": {}, "BotUserSession": {} } } }, { "uxmap": { "channel": "default", "body": "<% var newLink = '' + title + '';\n print(newLink); %><%print(\" \");%><% %>" }, "payload": "{\"title\":[\"Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\"],\"link\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/mallya-pmla-case-court-confirms-rs-1411-attachment-order_8058581.html\"],\"description\":[\"\\\"Mallya A special anti-money laundering\\r\\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\\r\\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\\r\\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\\r\\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\"],\"pubDate\":[\"Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\"],\"guid\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/mallya-pmla-case-court-confirms-rs-1411-attachment-order_8058581.html\"],\"hash\":\"ca41e9749166e2c0b47191460289b6b3\",\"_fields_\":{\"channel\":\"latestnews\"},\"_labels_\":{\"channel\":\"Latest News\"},\"secretKey\":\"n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\",\"contentType\":\"application/xml\",\"_last_run\":\"2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\"}", "response": { "channel": "default", "body": "Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order ", "updatedSessionStore": { "EnterpriseContext": {}, "BotContext": {}, "UserContext": {}, "UserSession": {}, "BotUserSession": {} } } }, { "uxmap": { "channel": "default", "body": "<% var newLink = '' + title + '';\n print(newLink); %><%print(\" \");%><% %>" }, "payload": "{\"title\":[\"Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\"],\"link\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\"],\"description\":[\" While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise.The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017.\"],\"pubDate\":[\"Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\"],\"guid\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\"],\"hash\":\"6f5635c0d5e19f73f8690859a4bd4f1d\",\"_fields_\":{\"channel\":\"latestnews\"},\"_labels_\":{\"channel\":\"Latest News\"},\"secretKey\":\"n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\",\"contentType\":\"application/xml\",\"_last_run\":\"2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\"}", "response": { "channel": "default", "body": "Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket ", "updatedSessionStore": { "EnterpriseContext": {}, "BotContext": {}, "UserContext": {}, "UserSession": {}, "BotUserSession": {} } } }] }


Virtual Assistants
Kore.ai Platform
Key Concepts
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Accessing Platform
Virtual Assistant Builder
Virtual Assistant Types
Getting Started
Create a Simple Bot
Dialog Tasks
Dialog Builder (New)
Dialog Builder (Legacy)
User Intent Node
Dialog Node
Entity Node
Supported Entity Types
Composite Entities
Supported Colors
Supported Company Names
Form Node
Logic Node
Message Nodes
Confirmation Nodes
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Custom Authentication
2-way SSL for Service nodes
Script Node
Agent Transfer Node
WebHook Node
Grouping Nodes
Connections & Transitions
Manage Dialogs
User Prompts
Knowledge Graph
Importing and Exporting
Knowledge Extraction
Alert Tasks
Ignore Words and Field Memory
How to Schedule a Smart Alert
Small Talk
Digital Views
How to Configure Digital Views
Digital Forms
How to Configure Digital Forms
Machine Learning
Model Validation
Fundamental Meaning
NLP Guidelines
Knowledge Graph
How to Use Traits
Ranking and Resolver
Advanced NLP Configurations
Context Management
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
How to Manage Context Switching
Manage Interruptions
Dialog Management
Sub Intents & Follow-up Intents
Amend Entity
Multi-Intent Detection
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Sentiment Management
Event Based Bot Actions
Default Conversations
Default Standard Responses
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Record Conversations
Conversation Testing
Custom Dashboard
How to Create Custom Dashboard
Conversation Flows
NLP Metrics
Universal Bots
Enabling Languages
Smart Bots
koreUtil Libraries
Language Management
PII Settings
IVR Integration
General Settings
Import & Export
Bot Versioning
Collaborative Development
Plan Management
API Overview
API List
API Collection
SDK Overview
SDK Security
SDK App Registration
Web SDK Tutorial
Message Formatting and Templates
Mobile SDK Push Notification
Widget SDK Tutorial
Widget SDK – Message Formatting and Templates
Web Socket Connect & RTM
Using the BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Agent Transfer
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Flight Search Sample Bot
Using an External NLP Engine
Create a Simple Bot
Create a Banking Bot
Transfer Funds Task
Update Balance Task
Context Switching
Using Traits
Schedule a Smart Alert
Configure UI Forms
Add Form Data into Data Tables
Configuring Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Custom Dashboard
Custom Tags to filter Bot Metrics
Patterns for Intents & Entities
Build Knowledge Graph
Global Variables
Content Variables
Using Bot Functions
Configure Agent Transfer

Alert Tasks

Alert Tasks deliver timely, relevant, and personalized information from enterprise systems to customers and employees by polling the relevant service in real-time or according to a user-defined schedule. These alerts contain detailed information such as name, ID, notes, amount, and more, in a variety of formats for each channel.

Key Features

  • Scheduled Alerts: Users can schedule alerts to trigger according to the days, times, and frequencies they specify.
  • Filtered Alerts: Users can configure alerts to trigger when certain thresholds are met such as amounts, dates, text matches, and more.

Example Use Cases

The following are a few sample use cases for alert tasks:

  • A time or location-based promotional offers
  • Scheduled delivery updates
  • Inventory level changes
  • Critical issue notification
  • Pandemic or weather-related awareness
  • Cross-company status changes


To configure an alert task, you must configure the following settings:

General Settings

The first step is to define how the task looks to the end-user. The General Settings includes details such as task name, connection mode, descriptions, and a few advanced settings such as task demo, search keywords, etc.

  1. Open the bot in which you want to create the alert task.
  2. Select Build from the top menu.
  3. From the left menu, click Conversational Skills -> Alert Tasks.
  4. Click Create Alert.
  5. Enter a name in the Task Name field, which also auto-populates as the Display Name. Bot Store uses the display name of the task. You can change the display name if needed.
  6. Select the Connection Type and Connection Mode (see table below for details).
  7. Click Create & Proceed.

    Task Name The name of the alert task is displayed on the platform.
    Display Name The name of the alert task is displayed in the Bot Store. The Task Name doubles up as the display name by default. However, you can change the display name.
    Connection Type Select one of these connection types for the task:

    • Webhook – The web application pushes data to a task URL endpoint provided by Kore.ai.
    • RSS – The web service returns RSS feeds when polled by Kore.ai, and may require end-user login credentials.
    • Webservice – The web service sends data to Kore.ai when polled by Kore.ai using the end-user account login credentials.
    Connection Mode When the Connection Type is set to Webservice, specify the Connection Mode for the connection as:

    • REST – The alert task uses a REST API connection. or
    • SOAP – The alert task uses a SOAP API connection.

Advanced Settings

To configure the advanced settings for the task, expand the section and enter the relevant details.

The following table describes the optional fields in the Advanced Settings section of the General tab.

Field Name Description
Task Install Confirmation Message The message displayed to the end-user when the task is successfully set up.
Turn Off Confirmation Messages Select Yes to disable confirmation of the execution of a task when using NLP. When No is selected, the user is asked to confirm the task before running it.
Search Keywords Specify one or more search words an end-user can use to help locate this task in the Kore.ai Bot Store.
Task Demo Link Enter the www.youtube.com link, for example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB3P7kDKXZ4, to display a task demo icon next to the task displayed in the Bot Store.


You must define how the end-user must be authorized to get the alert task notification message. For example, Twitter is an alert task using web services that require an authorized end-user. The authorization for the alert task is the same end-user log-in username and password for Twitter to allow Kore.ai to access the end-user account and poll for the alert task data.

Note: Authorization for alert tasks with the Connection Type set to Webhook is not required as part of the alert task configuration.

After you define the general settings for an alert task, the next step is to go to the Authorization section on the API Request tab.

To get started with defining the Authorization for a task,

  1. On the API Request tab, click the Expand  icon in the Authorization section.
  2. If you have previously defined authorization for this task, you can select from the Authorization Provider drop-down list. If your task does not require authentication, you can select None in the Authorization Provider drop-down list as shown in the following image.
  3. To define a new authorization provider, click Create New.
  4. On the New Authorization Mechanism window, select the type of authorization used by your bot from the Authorization Type drop-down list.
  5. You can choose one of the following types of authorization:
    • Basic Auth – A standard protocol to collect username and password information. Kore.ai uses SSL encryption in combination with basic authentication to help secure end-user information. Click here for the configuration details.
    • OAuth v2 Password Grant Type – Define a custom authorization type for non-standard web service authorization types. Click here for the configuration details.
    • OAuth v2 Client Credential
    • OAuth v1 – Enables web applications or web services to access protected resources using an API without end-users having to disclose their login credentials to Kore.ai. Click here for the configuration details.
    • OAuth v2 – The newest version of the OAuth protocol focusing on specific authorization flows for web applications and web services. Click here for the configuration details.
    • API Key – An identification and authorization token generated or provided by a web application or web service used to identify the incoming application request, and in some cases, also provide authentication for secure access. Click here for the configuration details.

API Request

Configure the API request that asks for data from your Bot website, system, or web application for the task. You can configure the API Request Settings as an action task for WebHook, Rest, SOAP, or RSS APIs. You can define API Parameters, optional API task Initializer, API Request pre- or post-processor, and the API Request. You also need to add a Response Sample expected from your API Request payload.
After you define the authorization mechanism and then click Save Auth, you are ready to configure the alert task request. The configuration settings for an alert task request are based on the Connection Type that you define for the task:

Bot Response

After you describe your Bot alert task General tab settings and then configure the alert task API request chain, you are ready to define how the alert task results are displayed to the end-user. This section describes how to configure an alert task response.
To define the response object for an alert task, there are two sections:

  • Report Template Definition – For some tasks, you may want to display report data to the end-user as a link that can display the payload response using a template, such as a table, contact card, or formatted for a specific message type such as a weather report.

    Note: This section is not used for webhook alert tasks, action tasks, or RSS alert tasks.

    Refer here for Configuring the Report Template Definition

  • Message Definition – In this section, you define the look and feel of the data presented to the end-user when the alert is displayed based on the payload delivered by the webhook. Refer here for details.

Alert Settings

Define the schedule or filter settings for the alert. schedule alerts to trigger according to the days, times, and frequencies they specify, whereas filtered alerts rigger when certain thresholds are met such as amounts, dates, text matches, and more.
After you define the General tab settings for your Bot task, configure the API request chain, define the Bot response message, then you are ready to define the settings for the task, such as filters, when the alert task runs, and other advanced options. This section describes how to define the parameters on the Settings tab for an alert task.

Note: This section does not apply to webhook alert tasks.

What Do I Need to Do?

For an alert task, other than a webhook alert task, you will need to define:

  • Filters – You can define filters for end-users to limits the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs. For example, you can define a filter for the name, or account, or business. When the alert is set up by the end-user, and the filter applied, only alert messages that meet the filter specifications are displayed to the end-user. For more information, see Defining Filters for a Task.
  • Schedule – Alert tasks only reach out to a web service for data when the Bot makes a request. For each task, you need to define when, and how often the web service is queried for data for an alert message. You can define the scheduling options presented to the end-user when the task is set up, as well as the default schedule for the task. For more information, see Configuring the Schedule for a Task.
  • Advanced Settings – In the Advanced Settings section, you can define alert task settings for enabling and limiting the initial set of alert messages displayed to the end-user when the task is set up, define alert message reminders, and if required, prevent duplicate messages sent to the user. For more information, see Define Advanced Settings.

Version History

You may need to troubleshoot alert tasks that have been upgraded. In the Kore.ai Bot Builder tool, you can view version changes of each alert task to determine if, and how many times an alert task was upgraded.
In the Alert Tasks section, click the Settings  icon for the task to view versions for, and then click Version History.

The Version History page contains the following columns:

  • Version Number – The version number of the upgrade as a minor upgrade, using X.X syntax, for example, 1.3 where 1 is the major version upgrade number, and 3 is the minor version upgrade number.
  • Changed By – The username of the developer of the bot that made the upgrade changes.
  • Changed Date – The date that the bot was approved and published by the Enterprise Admin.
  • Comments – The Upgrade Comments provided by the developer that made the changes to the bot for an upgrade.

The following illustration is an example of the Version History page for a bot with three minor upgrades, and one major upgrade to version 2.

View Logs

You may need to troubleshoot alert tasks. In the Kore.ai Bot Builder tool, you can view logged events for configured and published alert tasks that interact with the Kore.ai Bots Platform and third-party applications. The View Logs command displays archived log events for each alert task instance that you can use to view the alert task request and the application response.
In the Alert Tasks section, click the Settings  icon for the task to view logs for, and then click View Logs. The Logs page for the bot alert task opens.
View Logs Page
You can refresh the entries on the Logs page when needed.
Each log entry represents the results of the alert task as a JSON response.

    "requestLogs": [{
        "name": "Request 1",
        "request": {
            "endpoint": "http://www.moneycontrol.com/rss/{channel}.xml",
            "pathFields": {
                "channel": "latestnews",
                "lastRun": "2016-12-02T16:50:45Z",
                "now": "2016-12-02T16:56:37Z",
                "today": "2016-12-02"
            "payloadFields": {},
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            "body": " \n\t \n\t \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Latest News\n\t\t\t\tLatest News from Moneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:20:01 +0530\n\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\thttp://img1.moneycontrol.com/images/top2010/moneycontrol_logo.jpg\n\t\t\t\t\tMoneycontrol Logo\n\t\t\t\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com\n\t\t\t\tFeed provided by Moneycontrol.\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\tPradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/default/200x200_default_img_grey.jpg" alt="Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha" title="Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tNote ban impact: How Vidisha farmers are coping\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbc-tv18-comments/note-ban-impact-how-vidisha-farmerscoping_8058621.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2014/a/ARCHANA4_200_0102.jpg" alt="Archana Shukla" title="Archana Shukla" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The government's decision to ban old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes has made life difficult for small famers. Trading is a hassle and life in the Madhya Pradesh town is almost at a standstill.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:14:01 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/cnbc-tv18-comments/note-ban-impact-how-vidisha-farmerscoping_8058621.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/b/bigbasket.jpg" alt="Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket" title="Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise. The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tMallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/mallya-pmla-case-court-confirms-rs-1411-attachment-order_8058581.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/v/Vijay_Mallya_Kingfisher_Mallya_london_200x200.jpg" alt="Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order" title="Mallya PMLA case: Court confirms Rs 1,411 attachment order" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> A special anti-money laundering\r\ncourt here has confirmed an attachment of assets order worth\r\nRs 1,411 crore issued by the ED against UBHL and others in\r\nconnection with its money laundering probe against liquor\r\nbaron Vijay Mallya and others.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 22:00:03 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/mallya-pmla-case-court-confirms-rs-1411-attachment-order_8058581.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRussian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/russian-central-bank-said-it-was-victimattempted-cyber-heist_8058321.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/2/2016-12-02T151033Z_1_LYNXMPECB114Y_RTROPTP_2_RUSSIA-CENBANK-LIQUIDITY-RATES_200.JPG" alt="Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist" title="Russian central bank said it was victim of attempted cyber heist" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The bank said it managed to recover some of that amount - USD26 million -- but it did not say if that meant the rest had been stolen.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:46:45 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/russian-central-bank-said-it-was-victimattempted-cyber-heist_8058321.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBank of England's Haldane warns against hasty rate hike\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/bankenglands-haldane-warns-against-hasty-rate-hike_8058361.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/2/2016-12-02T125207Z_1_LYNXMPECB10TS_RTROPTP_2_BRITAIN-BOE_200.JPG" alt="Bank of England's Haldane warns against hasty rate hike" title="Bank of England's Haldane warns against hasty rate hike" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The Bank of England's chief economist, Andrew Haldane, said on Friday it would be risky to raise interest rates too hastily and that he was comfortable with the BoE's recent shift to a neutral stance on what its next monetary policy move should be.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:44:54 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world-news/bankenglands-haldane-warns-against-hasty-rate-hike_8058361.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tTourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/tourists-begin-to-feelpinchcash-crunch_8057981.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/ai/foreign_tourists_190.jpg" alt="Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch" title="Tourists begin to feel the pinch of cash crunch" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The demonetisation move is impacting various segments of the society. The tourists coming to India are also feeling the pinch of the cash crunch. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:53 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/tourists-begin-to-feelpinchcash-crunch_8057981.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPolitical funding audits key to success of demonetisation: Pros\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/economy/political-funding-audits-key-to-successdemonetisation-pros_8058301.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/a/Ashok_Lahiri_200.jpg" alt="Ashok Lahiri" title="Ashok Lahiri" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> The political parties must be open to audits, believe both Govinda Rao, former member, PMEA and Ashok Lahiri, former chief economic advisor. \n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:33:32 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/economy/political-funding-audits-key-to-successdemonetisation-pros_8058301.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tCore Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/core-diagnostics-gets-3612mn-fundinginvestors_8058561.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/d/Dollar_rupee_ip_down_200x200.jpg" alt="Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors" title="Core Diagnostics gets $12mn funding from investors" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Core Diagnostics has received USD 12 million (around Rs 82 crore) funding from various investors including US-based F-Prime Capital Partners.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:15 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/core-diagnostics-gets-3612mn-fundinginvestors_8058561.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/itzcash-ties-up100-cos-for-pre-paid-cards_8058541.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2015/c/creditcardrewardpoints200X200.jpg" alt="ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards" title="ItzCash ties up with 100 cos for pre-paid cards" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/&
gt; Digital payments facilitator ItzCash has signed up with 100 small- and large-sized companies to offer pre-loaded salary cards for their employees in the wake of cash withdrawal limits from banks post ban on Rs 500/1000 notes.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:13 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/itzcash-ties-up100-cos-for-pre-paid-cards_8058541.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tAmul to launch camel milk in next 3 months\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/amul-to-launch-camel-milknext-3-months_8058521.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2014/p/pro_amul_taaza_full_cream_milk_200_5901.jpg" alt="Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months" title="Amul to launch camel milk in next 3 months" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> With food safety regulator FSSAI setting new standards for camel milk, dairy major GCMMF, which sells products under the Amul brand, today said it will launch camel milk in the next three months.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:12 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/amul-to-launch-camel-milknext-3-months_8058521.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tPar Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/par-panel-asks-coal-psus-to-recover-dues-worth-rs-13745-cr_8058501.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2012/c/coalindia.jpg" alt="Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr" title="Par Panel asks coal PSUs to recover dues worth Rs 13,745 cr" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> A Parliamentary panel has raised concerns over Rs 13,745 crore in dues to coal PSUs - CIL, SCCL and NLC - and asked them to recover the amount, which can adversely impact their financial position.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:11 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/current-affairs/par-panel-asks-coal-psus-to-recover-dues-worth-rs-13745-cr_8058501.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tRuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/rupay-card-usage-jumps-1181st-weekdemonetisation_8058481.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2015/r/rupay_200x200.jpg" alt="RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation" title="RuPay card usage jumps 118% in 1st week of demonetisation" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> RuPay card usage jumped by over 118.6 per cent in the week following demonetisation that took effect from November 8 mid-night while the overall debit and credit card transactions recorded an increase of 70.5 per cent.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:10 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/rupay-card-usage-jumps-1181st-weekdemonetisation_8058481.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tBoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/bob-raises-rs-1000-cr-sbtravancore-eyes-rs-600-cr_8058461.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2016/b/Banks_Queue_Bank_of_Baroda_200x200.jpg" alt="BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr" title="BoB raises Rs 1,000 cr; SB of Travancore eyes Rs 600 cr" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Public sector player Bank of Baroda has raised Rs 1,000 crore by issuing bonds that are compliant with global capital adequacy norms or Basel III.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:09 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/bob-raises-rs-1000-cr-sbtravancore-eyes-rs-600-cr_8058461.html\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tDCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for 'cash free' payments\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/dcb-bank-launches-cippy-wallet-app-for-cash-free-payments_8058441.html\n\t\t<img src="http://www.moneycontrol.com/news_image_files/2014/d/dcb_200.jpg" alt="DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for 'cash free' payments" title="DCB Bank launches Cippy Wallet app for 'cash free' payments" border="0" width="75" height="75" align=" left" hspace="5"/> Hopping on to the cashless drive, new generation private lender DCB Bank today launched Cippy Wallet app for digital payments.\n\t\tFri, 02 Dec 2016 21:24:08 +0530\n\t\thttp://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/dcb-bank-launches-cippy-wallet-app-for-cash-free-payments_8058441.html\n\t\t\n\t\t"
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        "payload": "{\"title\":[\"Pradhan proposes Rs 900 crore 2G Ethanol Plant in Odisha\"],\"link\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\"],\"description\":[\"\\\"Pradhan Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan\\ntoday proposed a 2G Ethanol Plant in Bargarh district at an\\ninvestment of Rs 900 crore and suggested the Odisha government\\nto develop Paradip on the lines of Jurong island of Singapore.\"],\"pubDate\":[\"Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:16:04 +0530\"],\"guid\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/wire-news/pradhan-proposes-rs-900-crore-2g-ethanol-plantodisha_8058641.html\"],\"hash\":\"f7dbaed7ebe3d9cb5f265779bd969da6\",\"_fields_\":{\"channel\":\"latestnews\"},\"_labels_\":{\"channel\":\"Latest News\"},\"secretKey\":\"n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\",\"contentType\":\"application/xml\",\"_last_run\":\"2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\"}",
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        "payload": "{\"title\":[\"Cash crunch not a worry for grocery e-tailer BigBasket\"],\"link\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\"],\"description\":[\" While the demonetisation scheme is acting as a hurdle for many sectors, for BigBasket it is a blessing in disguise. The company has upped its revenue projection by 20 percent in the financial year 2017. \"],\"pubDate\":[\"Fri, 02 Dec 2016 22:13:12 +0530\"],\"guid\":[\"http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/cash-crunch-notworry-for-grocery-e-tailer-bigbasket_8058601.html\"],\"hash\":\"6f5635c0d5e19f73f8690859a4bd4f1d\",\"_fields_\":{\"channel\":\"latestnews\"},\"_labels_\":{\"channel\":\"Latest News\"},\"secretKey\":\"n-5bd95008-81be-56d1-9030-0eafbf36a10d\",\"contentType\":\"application/xml\",\"_last_run\":\"2016-12-02T16:50:45.363Z\"}",
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Suggested Reading
You might want to read about Managing Ignore Words and Field Memory next, refer here.