Virtual Assistants
Kore.ai Platform
Key Concepts
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Accessing Platform
Virtual Assistant Builder
Virtual Assistant Types
Getting Started
Create a Simple Bot
Dialog Tasks
Dialog Builder (New)
Dialog Builder (Legacy)
User Intent Node
Dialog Node
Entity Node
Supported Entity Types
Composite Entities
Supported Colors
Supported Company Names
Form Node
Logic Node
Message Nodes
Confirmation Nodes
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Custom Authentication
2-way SSL for Service nodes
Script Node
Agent Transfer Node
WebHook Node
Grouping Nodes
Connections & Transitions
Manage Dialogs
User Prompts
Knowledge Graph
Importing and Exporting
Knowledge Extraction
Alert Tasks
Ignore Words and Field Memory
How to Schedule a Smart Alert
Small Talk
Digital Views
How to Configure Digital Views
Digital Forms
How to Configure Digital Forms
Machine Learning
Model Validation
Fundamental Meaning
NLP Guidelines
Knowledge Graph
How to Use Traits
Ranking and Resolver
Advanced NLP Configurations
Context Management
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
How to Manage Context Switching
Manage Interruptions
Dialog Management
Sub Intents & Follow-up Intents
Amend Entity
Multi-Intent Detection
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Sentiment Management
Event Based Bot Actions
Default Conversations
Default Standard Responses
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Record Conversations
Conversation Testing
Custom Dashboard
How to Create Custom Dashboard
Conversation Flows
NLP Metrics
Universal Bots
Enabling Languages
Smart Bots
koreUtil Libraries
Language Management
PII Settings
IVR Integration
General Settings
Import & Export
Bot Versioning
Collaborative Development
Plan Management
API Overview
API List
API Collection
SDK Overview
SDK Security
SDK App Registration
Web SDK Tutorial
Message Formatting and Templates
Mobile SDK Push Notification
Widget SDK Tutorial
Widget SDK – Message Formatting and Templates
Web Socket Connect & RTM
Using the BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Agent Transfer
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Flight Search Sample Bot
Using an External NLP Engine
Create a Simple Bot
Create a Banking Bot
Transfer Funds Task
Update Balance Task
Context Switching
Using Traits
Schedule a Smart Alert
Configure UI Forms
Add Form Data into Data Tables
Configuring Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Custom Dashboard
Custom Tags to filter Bot Metrics
Patterns for Intents & Entities
Build Knowledge Graph
Global Variables
Content Variables
Using Bot Functions
Configure Agent Transfer

Message (Bot Response) Nodes

The Message Node is used to deliver a message to the user. Message nodes commonly follow an API, web service call, or webhook event to define their results as a formatted response.
You can format bot responses as below:

  • Plain text: Type a message in plain text. You can use stored context values with {{variable brackets}}. For example: 'Hello {{context.session.UserContext.firstName}}. How can I help you?'
  • Javascript: Compose JavaScript responses either:
    • For dynamically constructing messages using context and session variables.
    • for displaying templates or widgets as supported by various channels.
      For example, you can compose a JavaScript message for Facebook Channel to present a Carousel template.
    • Optionally, you can generate links to view the information in an HTML report format using templates and share the URL with the bot message.

For example, the Book Flights sample dialog uses the following message nodes:

  • WeatherReport: This shows the weather details returned by the WeatherApi Service node, formatted using the LocationScript node.
  • FinalFlightinfo: This shows the flight itineraries that the Flights info service node returns.
  • Thanks: After showing the final flight details, prompts the user if they have any other requests.


Setting up a Message node in a dialog task involves the following steps:

Add Node

  1. Open the dialog task to add the Message node.
  2. Add message node in the designated place. For steps in adding nodes, refer here.
  3. The Message window is displayed with the Component Properties tab selected by default.

Configure Node

Component Properties

Note: The configurations you set up or edit in this section reflect in all other dialog tasks that use this node.
  1. On the Component Properties tab, under the General Settings section, enter a Name and Display Name for the message node.
  2. Under the Bot Responses section, compose and format the bot response either as plain text or as a JavaScript message. A default message is set by the platform, you can customize it.
  3. You can enter channel-specific messages for bot responses using the Manage link. For more information, refer to Using the Prompt Editor.
  4. To add more bot responses, click Add Bot Response and repeat the above steps.

Generate Message as Report Link (Optional)

The Message node allows you to generate links to view the information in an HTML report format using templates. The URL link is added to the bot message. When you add a link to a bot response, the users can select the link and get more details, such as a table of values for Closed Sales Opportunities in the SalesForce Bot.
To generate a report link, follow the below steps:

  1. On the Component Properties tab, under the Report URL section, click Generate Report Link.

    This image corresponds to the new dialog builder, you will find this feature in legacy builder at the same location i.e. Message node -> Component Properties.
  2. On the Generate Report dialog box, enter the following values:
    • Link Title – The link text displayed in the bot channel. For example, View Shopping Cart.
    • Header – The title of the report. For example, These are the items in your Shopping Cart.
    • Details – End-user help information displayed directly below the header, describing the content of the report. For example, Review your Shopping Cart, and then click Continue when you are ready to place your order.
    • Data Path – Path for the data, usually the response from the web service. For example, context.ShoppingCartService.response.body
    • Template – Select one of the following format templates to display the data from the task response. For each type, define the Column Name, Key Mapping, Data Type, and template-specific options.
      • Table – Uses a table format with defined columns. Each mapping for the Table template is set to Is Sortable, Display as an image, and Display it as a link. For more information, refer to Defining a Table Report.
      • Fixed Column Table – Uses a table format with one or more columns fixed. Each mapping for the Fixed Column Table template is set to Is Sortable, Column in fixed, Display as an image, and Display it as a link. For more information, refer to Defining a Fixed-Column Table Report.
      • Card Layout – Uses a contact card format. Each mapping for the Card Layout template is set to Is Sortable, Display as an image, and Display it as a link. For more information, refer to Defining a Card Layout Report.
      • Weather Info – Define a date for a weather service response payload. Each mapping for the Weather Info template is set to Is Sortable, Display as an image, and Display it as a link. For more information, refer to Defining a Weather Info Report.
      • Card Layout with Group By – Shows a list of items grouped by a specific field. For more information, refer to Define a Card Layout with Group By Report.
  3. Click Save.

Variable Namespace

  • In the Variable Namespaces section, associate the variable namespaces to execute this node and its transitions. This option is visible only when the Variable Namespace is enabled for the bot. You can go with the task level settings or customize it for this node. For more information, refer to Managing Namespace.

Instance Properties

  1. On the Message window, click the Instance Properties tab.
  2. Under the Interruptions Behavior section, you can configure the interruptions behavior for this node.
    Note: The settings in the Instance Properties tab are specific to the current task and do not reflect in other dialog tasks that use this node.

    • Use the task level ‘Interruptions Behavior’ setting: The bot refers to the Interruptions Behavior settings set at the dialog task level.
    • Customize for this node option: You can customize the Interruptions Behavior settings for this node by selecting this option and configuring the same. Refer to Interruption Handling and Context Switching article for more information.
  3. Under the Custom Tags section, add tags to build custom profiles of your bot conversations. Click here for more.

IVR Properties

You can use this tab to define the input mode, grammar, prompts, and call behavior parameters for this node to use in IVR Channel. It is done at the node level. Click here for details

Connections Properties

From the node’s Connections tab, you can determine the node in the dialog task to execute next. You can write the conditional statements based on the values of any Entity or Context Objects in the dialog task, or you can use intents for transitions.
To setup Component Transitions, follow these steps:

  1. On the Message window, click the Connections tab.
  2. On the Connections tab, under the Connection Rules section, you can select nodes from the Default drop-down list.
  3. To configure a conditional flow, click Add IF.
  4. Configure the conditional expression based on one of the following criteria:
    • Entity: Compare an entity node in the dialog with a specific value using one of these operators: Exists, equals to, greater than equals to, less than equals to, not equal to, greater than, and less than. Select the entity, operator using the respective drop-down lists, and type the number in the Value box. For example, PassengerCount (entity) greater than (operator) 5 (specified value).
    • Context: Compare a context object in the dialog with a specific value using one of these operators: Exists, equals to, greater than equals to, less than equals to, not equal to, greater than, and less than. For example, Context.entity.PassengerCount (Context object) greater than (operator) 5 (specified value).
    • Intent: Select an intent that matches the next user utterance.
  5. In the Then go to drop-down list, select the next node to execute in the dialog flow if the conditional expression succeeds. For example, if the PassengerCount (entity) greater than (operator) 5 (specified value), Then go to Offers (sub-dialog).
  6. In the Else drop-down list, select the node to execute if the condition fails.
Note: If you want to write multiple If conditions, click Add Else If below the last If conditional expression.