Kore.ai 봇 플랫폼을 사용하면 대시보드에서 실시간 지표 및 대화 흐름을 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 옵션의 섹션은 다음과 같습니다.

봇 요약

봇 요약은 상단 메뉴의 빌드 탭에서 액세스할 수 있으며 봇을 열 때 표시되는 기본 페이지입니다. 이 페이지에서는 봇 설정에 대한 자세한 요약을 제공합니다. 여기에는 다양한 봇 정의 코드 조각이 위젯으로 포함됩니다. 이러한 위젯을 클릭하면 해당 모듈로 이동합니다. 이러한 코드 조각은 다음에 대한 개요를 제공합니다.

  • 봇에 추가된 작업(범용 봇의 경우 연결된 봇 목록)
  • 경로 수, 용어, 동의어 등의 수와 같은 요약을 포함한 지식 그래프 설정
  • 추가된 대화 수와 스몰 토크 그룹
  • 양식, 위젯 및 패널 수 측면에서 디지털 기술이 추가되었습니다
  • 자연어 – 발화, 패턴 및 동의어
  • 채널 활성화
  • 활동 로그 – 봇 소유자만 볼 수 있습니다.
  • 봇에서 작업하는 – 봇 소유자만 볼 수 있습니다.
  • 이벤트 관리자, 환경 변수콘텐츠 변수가 설정됩니다.
  • 중단 동작, 권한 부여 프로필이 설정됩니다
  • 디버그 로그 및 이 봇에 대해 설정된 기타 모든 설정.

위에서 언급한 카드 중 하나를 클릭하면 해당 페이지로 이동합니다. 이 페이지에서는 봇 가져오기봇 내보내기를 수행할 수 있으며 새 작업새 그룹(스몰 토크)도 추가할 수 있습니다.

사용량 지표

상단 메뉴의 분석 탭에서 사용량 지표 페이지에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이 페이지는 원스톱 봇 활동 및 봇 사용자 개요입니다. 여기에는 대화형 세션과 비대화형 세션이 모두 포함됩니다. 세션에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

실시간 상태

사용량 지표 페이지의 첫 번째 섹션은 실시간 상태입니다. 지정된 시점의 봇 사용에 대한 개요를 제공합니다. 30초마다 새로 고침하도록 설정되며 새로 고침 버튼 옆에 있는 드롭다운을 사용하여 10초에서 10분까지 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 실시간 상태 지표는 세션 관리 모듈의 대화 세션 동작이 '비활성 상태 후 사전에 세션 종료'로 설정된 경우에만 사용해야 합니다. 가상 비서가 '비활성 상태 후 세션을 사전에 종료하지 마세요' 옵션을 사용하는 경우 실시간 지표가 올바른 정보를 표시하지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 설정은 사용자가 대화 후 비활성 기간을 재개할 수 있을 것으로 예상하므로 대화 세션이 열린 상태로 유지됩니다. 이러한 모든 열린 대화 세션은 활성 상태로 처리되므로 실시간 상태 지표에 포함됩니다. 실시간 상태에는 다음이 포함됩니다.

  • 활성 사용자 – 지정한 시점에 봇과 상호 작용하는 사용자 수입니다.
  • 활성 채널 – 카드를 클릭하면 활성 채널 목록이 채널을 사용하는 사용자 수와 함께 확장됩니다.
  • 활성 상담사 세션 – 지정된 인스턴스에서 진행 중인 세션입니다.

새로 고침 버튼을 사용하여 최신 데이터를 가져올 수 있습니다.

기타 사용량 지표에서는 사용자 상호 작용의 빈도, 상호 작용 채널, 수행된 작업 등의 관점에서 봇 성능에 대한 아이디어를 제공합니다.

  • 채팅 세션 레코드: 기본적으로 지난 24시간 동안의 봇 사용량을 기준으로 한 봇 사용량 지표가 표시됩니다. 기간 및 봇 선택별로 표시되는 지표를 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 필터 기준을 적용할 수도 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참조하세요.
  • 완료 중인 성공한 작업 수, 대화 세션 수 및 보낸 알림 수에 대한 개요가 표시됩니다.
  • 메시지 및 대화 세션의 그래픽 그림입니다. 여기에는 다음 사항이 포함됩니다.
  • 세부 정보:
    • 선택한 기간 동안 성공한 작업 수;
    • 의도인식 vs 실패 작업을 비교한 파이 차트;
    • CSV로 내보낼 수 있는 옵션과 함께 성공한 작업 실행의 이름 및 수;
    • 교환된 메시지 수와 상호 작용하는 채널;
    • 상담사 전환의 세션 수.

Containment Metrics


Containment Metrics provides insights on whether the calls were successfully answered by the virtual assistant or if the calls were landed with agents.

The metrics are categorized into:

  • Self-service Conversations – These include sessions where a user has completed an interaction successfully. This will include all the sessions that are neither ‘agent transfer’ sessions nor ‘drop-off’ sessions;
  • Drop-offs – These include sessions where the user exits the chat session abruptly. This will include all the sessions where the session has ended in any of the following scenarios:
    • The user was in the middle of a task execution;
    • The last task ended as a Task Failure;
    • The last interaction/message resulted in an ‘intent not identified’ scenario;
    • Non-interactive sessions;
    • No response from the bot.
  • Agent Transfer Conversations – These include conversation sessions that reached the Agent Transfer Nodes of the Dialog Tasks.

Each category gives a bird’s eye view of:

  • The number of conversation sessions that have started in the selected time period;
  • The percentage increase or decrease when compared to the previous time period.

The following table gives the details of the metrics displayed.

Widget  Description Self Service Agent Transfer Drop Offs
Totals Percentage of conversation sessions in the selected time period – hourly if 24hr period is selected, daily for other intervals. Self Service Conversations Conversations that were transferred to an agent in the selected time period – hourly if a 24hr period is selected, daily for other intervals. Conversations where the user dropped off in the selected time period – hourly if a 24hr period is selected, daily for other intervals.

Percentage of conversations against buckets of:

  • Messages – Number of messages exchanged between the user and the bot in the session;
  • Duration – The time the user spent with the bot from the beginning of the session to the end of the sessions;
  • Tasks – The number of tasks that are successfully completed in the session

Record of all self-service conversations within the session.

The range for the duration, number of messages, and tasks can be set as per your need.

Record of all conversations within the session before Agent Transfer.

The range for the duration, number of messages, and tasks can be set as per your need.

Record of all conversations within the session before Drop Off.

The range for the duration, number of messages, and tasks can be set as per your need.

Conversation Flows The sequence of tasks and the count

Top conversation flows that were executed in Self-Service conversations.

For each flow, execution of the flow along with relevant details is displayed with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Top conversation flows that were executed in Agent Transfer

For each flow, execution of the flow along with relevant details is displayed with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Top conversation flows that resulted in user drop off.

For each flow, execution of the flow along with relevant details is displayed with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Tasks Name of the task and the count. N/A

The total number of failed tasks.

For each task, additional information like User Name, Failure Point, Failure Reason, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

The total number of failed tasks.

For each task, additional information like User Name, Failure Point, Failure Reason, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Intents The cluster of similar intents/utterances and the count. N/A

The total number of times that this utterance was unidentified.

For each utterance, additional information like User Name, Utterance, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

The total number of times that this utterance was unidentified.

For each utterance, additional information like User Name, Utterance, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

필터 기준

필터를 적용하여 필요한 지표를 표시할 수 있습니다.

  • 기간 선택:
    • 7일– 지난 7일 동안 집계된 데이터가 표시됩니다.
    • 24시간 – 24시간 전부터 집계된 데이터만 표시됩니다. 이는 기본 설정입니다.
    • 사용자 정의 – 특정 기간을 정의하는 데 사용할 수 있는 사용자 정의 날짜 범위 대화 상자를 표시하려면 클릭합니다. 왼쪽에서 시작 날짜를 선택하거나 입력한 다음 오른쪽에서 활동 데이터를 표시할 종료 데이터를 선택하거나 입력합니다. 현재 날짜에서 최대 90일 전까지 선택할 수 있습니다.
  • 필터 옵션을 사용하여 다음을 선택합니다.
    • 지정된 채널에 대한 지표입니다.
    • 지정된 언어에 대한 지표입니다.
    • 대화 세션 유형은 다음 중 하나 또는 둘 다(기본 설정)일 수 있습니다.
      • 대화형 – 사용자와 봇 간의 일반적인 대화;
      • 비대화형 – 사용자의 메시지 없이 사용자에게 봇 메시지가 표시되는 세션

      대화 세션 유형에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참조하세요.

    • 메시지, 사용자 또는 세션 수준에서 추가된 메타 태그를 기반으로합니다. 'AND' 조건이 적용되는 경우 여러 태그를 선택할 수 있습니다.

태그 기반

메시지, 사용자 또는 세션 수준에서 추가된 메타 태그를 사용하여 대시보드를 필터링할 수 있습니다. 필터 기준에서 여러 태그를 선택할 수 있으며 ‘and' 조건은 필터링을 위해 선택한 여러 필드에 적용됩니다. 다음 표는 대시보드에서 메타 태그를 위젯별로 적용하는 방법을 알려줍니다.

위젯 유형 세션 태그 사용자 태그 메시지 태그
실시간 위젯 해당 없음 해당 없음 해당 없음
성공한 작업 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
알림 발송됨 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
세션 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
메시지 & 대화 세션 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 대화에 적용 가능함
성공한 작업 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
인식된 의도및 실패한 의도 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
상위 작업 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
상위 채널 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음
상담사 전환 적용 가능함 적용 가능함 해당 없음


Bot Summary

Bot Summary can be accessed from the Build tab in the top menu and is the default page displayed when you open any bot. This page gives a detailed summary of the Bot configuration. This includes various snippets of bot definition as widgets. Clicking on any of these widgets takes you to the corresponding module.

These snippets give an overview of the:

  • Tasks added to the bot (list of Linked Bots in case of a Universal Bot)
  • Knowledge Graph configured including the summary like the number of paths, terms, synonyms, etc.
  • Small Talk groups along with the number of conversations added
  • Digital Skills added in terms of the number of Forms, Widgets, and Panels
  • Natural Language – utterances, patterns, and synonyms
  • Channels enabled
  • Activity Logs – visible only to the owner of the bot;
  • Team working on the Bot – visible only to the owner of the bot;
  • Events Handlers, Environment Variables, and Content Variables  configured
  • Interruption Behavior, Authorization Profiles configured
  • Debug Logs and any other settings configured for this Bot.

Clicking any of the above-mentioned cards takes you to the corresponding page.

You can use this page to Import Bot and Export Bot and add New Tasks and New Group (Small Talk) too.

Usage Metrics

From the Analyze tab on the top menu, you can access the Usage Metrics page. This page is your one-stop bot activity and bot user overview. It includes both interactive and non-interactive sessions. See here for more details on sessions.

Real-time Status

The first section on the Usage Metrics page is Real-time Status. This gives an overview of your Bot usage at a given point in time. It is set to refresh every 30 secs, which can be customized from 10secs to 10 mins using the dropdown next to the Refresh button.

Please note that the Real-time Status metrics should be used only if the Conversation Session Behavior under the Manage Sessions module is set to ‘Proactively close the sessions after inactivity’ .

If your virtual assistant is using the ‘Do not proactively close the sessions after inactivity’ option, then the Real-time Metrics may not represent the correct information. This configuration keeps the conversation sessions open state as it anticipates that the user can resume the conversation post inactivity period. All such open conversation sessions are treated as active and hence they are included in the Real-time Status metrics.

The Realtime Status includes:

  • Active Users – number of users interacting with the Bot at that given moment in time.
  • Active Channels – clicking the card expands the list of active channels along with the number of users using the channel.
  • Active Agent Sessions – sessions that are in progress at a given instance.

The Refresh button can be used to get the latest data.



  • チャットセッションの記録:デフォルトでは、過去24時間のBotの使用状況に基づくBot使用測定が表示されます。期間やBotの選択によって表示される測定をカスタマイズすることができます。フィルター基準も適用できます。詳細については以下をご覧ください
    • 完了したタスク数、会話セッション数、送信されたアラート数の概要が表示されます。
    • メッセージと会話セッションの図解が表示されます。これには以下のものが含まれます。
      • メッセージ-ユーザーとBotの間で交換されたメッセージの数です。
      • 会話セッション-Botとの間で開始された会話セッション数です。つまり、指定されたアイドル時間が経過してもインテントを変更せずにユーザーとBotの間でやり取りされた会話セッションの数です。セッション定義の詳細については、こちらをご覧ください
    • 以下の詳細:
      • 選択した期間内の成功したタスク
      • インテント認識と失敗したタスクを比較した円グラフ
      • 実行される成功したタスクの名前と数
      • 交換されたメッセージの数と対話チャネル
      • エージェントへの転送のセッション数




  • セルフサービスの会話-これには、ユーザーが対話を正常に完了したセッションが含まれます。エージェントへの転送セッションとドロップオフセッション以外のすべてのセッションが含まれます。
  • ドロップオフ-これには、ユーザーがチャットセッションを突然終了したセッションが含まれます。次のシナリオで終了したすべてのセッションが含まれます。
    • ユーザーがタスク実行の途中だった
    • 最後のタスクが失敗として終了した
    • 最後の対話/メッセージが、インテントが特定されていないシナリオになった
    • 非対話型セッション
    • Botからの応答がない

  • エージェントへの転送の会話-これには、セッションの任意の時点でエージェントへの転送ノードを使用して、ユーザーがエージェントに転送されるセッションが含まれます。


  • 選択した期間に開始された会話数のセッション
  • 前の期間と比較した場合のパーセンテージの増減


ウィジェット  説明 セルフサービス エージェントへの転送 ドロップオフ
合計 選択した期間の会話セッションの割合(期間が24時間に選択されている場合は1時間ごと、その他の間隔では毎日となります)。 セルフサービスの会話 選択した期間にエージェントに転送された会話(期間が24時間に選択されている場合は1時間ごと、その他の間隔では毎日となります)。 選択した期間にユーザーがドロップオフした会話(期間が24時間に選択されている場合は1時間ごと、その他の間隔では毎日となります)。


  • メッセージ-セッション中にユーザーとBotの間で交換されたメッセージの数
  • 期間-セッションの開始から終了まで、ユーザーがBotで費やした時間
  • タスク-セッションで正常に完了したタスクの数
セッション内でのすべてのセルフサービスの会話記録です。期間、メッセージ数、タスクの範囲は、必要に応じて設定できます。 エージェントへの転送前のセッション内でのすべての会話記録です。期間、メッセージ数、タスクの範囲は、必要に応じて設定できます。 ドロップオフ前のセッション内でのすべての会話記録です。期間、メッセージ数、タスクの範囲は、必要に応じて設定できます。
会話フロー タスクのシーケンスとカウントです。 セルフサービスの会話で実行された上位の会話フローです。フローごとにフローの実行と関連する詳細事項が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。 エージェントへの転送で実行された上位の会話フローです。フローごとにフローの実行と関連する詳細事項が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。 ユーザーがドロップオフした上位の会話フローです。フローごとにフローの実行と関連する詳細事項が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。
タスク タスクの名前とカウントです。 該当なし 失敗したタスクの総数です。タスクごとに、ユーザー名、失敗ポイント、失敗理由、日時、チャネルなどの追加情報が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。 失敗したタスクの総数です。タスクごとに、ユーザー名、失敗ポイント、失敗理由、日時、チャネルなどの追加情報が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。
インテント 類似のインテントや発話のクラスターとカウントです。 該当なし この発話が特定されなかった回数の合計です。発話ごとに、ユーザー名、発話、日時、チャネルなどの追加情報が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。 この発話が特定されなかった回数の合計です。発話ごとに、ユーザー名、発話、日時、チャネルなどの追加情報が表示され、クリックするとトランスクリプト全体が表示されます。



  • 期間を選択します。
    • 7日-過去7日間に集計されたデータが表示されます。
    • 24時間-直前の24時間に集計されたデータのみが表示されます。これがデフォルト設定となります。
    • カスタム-クリックすると、特定の日付期間を定義するために使用できるカスタム日付範囲ダイアログが表示されます。左側から開始日を選択または入力し、右側で終了データを選択または入力してアクティビティデータを表示します。現在の日付の最大90日前まで選択することができます。
  • フィルターオプションを使用して以下を選択します。
    • 会話セッションタイプは、次のいずれかまたは両方(デフォルト設定)にすることができます。
      • 対話型-ユーザーとBotの間の通常の会話です。
      • 非対話型-Botメッセージが、ユーザーからのメッセージなしで提示されるセッションです。


    • 指定チャネルを通して
    • メッセージ、ユーザー、セッションレベルで追加されたメタタグに基づいてAND条件が適用される複数のタグを選択できます。


You can filter the dashboard using meta tags added at a message, user, or session level. Multiple tags can be selected under the filter criteria, an ‘and‘ condition will be applied across multiple fields selected for filtering.

The following table gives the widget-wise applicability of meta tags on the dashboard.

Widget Type Session Tags User Tags Message Tags
Realtime Widgets Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Successful Tasks Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Alerts Sent Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Sessions Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Messages & Conversation Sessions Applicable Applicable Applicable for Chats
Successful Tasks Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Intent Recognized vs. Failed Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Top Tasks Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Top Channels Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Agent Transfer Applicable Applicable Not Applicable

Kore.ai Bots Platform allows you to get real-time metrics and conversation flows from its Dashboard. Following are the sections in this option:

  • Bot Summary to get a bird’s eye view of all the bot configuration and capabilities in a place. See here for details.
  • From the Usage Metrics section view real-time and standard dashboards on your bot’s performance. See here for details.
  • The Containment Metrics section provides insights into how effectively customers are engaging with the bot vs transferring to agents or dropping offs. . See here for details.
  • The Custom Dashboard allows you to design your own reports and dashboards. See here for details.

Bot Summary

Bot Summary can be accessed from the Build tab in the top menu and is the default page displayed when you open any bot. This page gives a detailed summary of the Bot configuration. This includes various snippets of bot definition as widgets. Clicking on any of these widgets takes you to the corresponding module.

These snippets give an overview of the:

  • Tasks added to the bot (list of Linked Bots in case of a Universal Bot)
  • Knowledge Graph configured including the summary like the number of paths, terms, synonyms, etc.
  • Small Talk groups along with the number of conversations added
  • Digital Skills added in terms of the number of Forms, Widgets, and Panels
  • Natural Language – utterances, patterns, and synonyms
  • Channels enabled
  • Activity Logs – visible only to the owner of the bot;
  • Team working on the Bot – visible only to the owner of the bot;
  • Events Handlers, Environment Variables, and Content Variables  configured
  • Interruption Behavior, Authorization Profiles configured
  • Debug Logs and any other settings configured for this Bot.

Clicking any of the above-mentioned cards takes you to the corresponding page.

You can use this page to Import Bot and Export Bot and add New Tasks and New Group (Small Talk) too.

Usage Metrics

From the Analyze tab on the top menu, you can access the Usage Metrics page. This page is your one-stop bot activity and bot user overview. It includes both interactive and non-interactive sessions. See here for more details on sessions.

Real-time Status

The first section on the Usage Metrics page is Real-time Status. This gives an overview of your Bot usage at a given point in time. It is set to refresh every 30 secs, which can be customized from 10secs to 10 mins using the dropdown next to the Refresh button.

Please note that the Real-time Status metrics should be used only if the Conversation Session Behavior under the Manage Sessions module is set to ‘Proactively close the sessions after inactivity’ .

If your virtual assistant is using the ‘Do not proactively close the sessions after inactivity’ option, then the Real-time Metrics may not represent the correct information. This configuration keeps the conversation sessions open state as it anticipates that the user can resume the conversation post inactivity period. All such open conversation sessions are treated as active and hence they are included in the Real-time Status metrics.

The Realtime Status includes:

  • Active Users – number of users interacting with the Bot at that given moment in time.
  • Active Channels – clicking the card expands the list of active channels along with the number of users using the channel.
  • Active Agent Sessions – sessions that are in progress at a given instance.

The Refresh button can be used to get the latest data.

Other usage metrics give an idea regarding the bot’s performance in terms of the frequency of user interaction, channels of interaction, tasks performed, etc.

  • Chat Session Records: By default, Bot usage metrics based on usage of the bot during the past 24 hours are displayed. You can customize the metrics displayed by the time period and bot selection. Filter criteria can also be applied, see below for details.
  • An overview of the number of Successful Tasks being completed, the number of Conversation Sessions, and the number of Alerts Sent are displayed.
  • A graphic illustration of the Messages and Conversation Sessions. This includes
    • Messages – the number of messages exchanged between the user and Bot;
    • Conversation Sessions – the number of conversation sessions initiated with the bot ie the exchange between user and Bot without change of intent even after a specified idle time See here for details on the session definition.
  • Details of:
    • the number of Successful Tasks in the selected period of time;
    • the pie chart comparing Intent Recognition vs Failed Tasks;
    • Name and Count of successful tasks executions, with an option to export as CSV;
    • Channels of interaction with the number of messages exchanged;
    • Number sessions in Agent Transfer.

Containment Metrics


Containment Metrics provides insights on whether the calls were successfully answered by the virtual assistant or if the calls were landed with agents.

The metrics are categorized into:

  • Self-service Conversations – These include sessions where a user has completed an interaction successfully. This will include all the sessions that are neither ‘agent transfer’ sessions nor ‘drop-off’ sessions;
  • Drop-offs – These include sessions where the user exits the chat session abruptly. This will include all the sessions where the session has ended in any of the following scenarios:
    • The user was in the middle of a task execution;
    • The last task ended as a Task Failure;
    • The last interaction/message resulted in an ‘intent not identified’ scenario;
    • Non-interactive sessions;
    • No response from the bot.
  • Agent Transfer Conversations – These include conversation sessions that reached the Agent Transfer Nodes of the Dialog Tasks.

Each category gives a bird’s eye view of:

  • The number of conversation sessions that have started in the selected time period;
  • The percentage increase or decrease when compared to the previous time period.

The following table gives the details of the metrics displayed.

Widget  Description Self Service Agent Transfer Drop Offs
Totals Percentage of conversation sessions in the selected time period – hourly if 24hr period is selected, daily for other intervals. Self Service Conversations Conversations that were transferred to an agent in the selected time period – hourly if a 24hr period is selected, daily for other intervals. Conversations where the user dropped off in the selected time period – hourly if a 24hr period is selected, daily for other intervals.
Insights Percentage of conversations against buckets of:

  • Messages – Number of messages exchanged between the user and the bot in the session;
  • Duration – The time the user spent with the bot from the beginning of the session to the end of the sessions;
  • Tasks – The number of tasks that are successfully completed in the session
Record of all self-service conversations within the session.

The range for the duration, number of messages, and tasks can be set as per your need.

Record of all conversations within the session before Agent Transfer.

The range for the duration, number of messages, and tasks can be set as per your need.

Record of all conversations within the session before Drop Off.

The range for the duration, number of messages, and tasks can be set as per your need.

Conversation Flows The sequence of tasks and the count Top conversation flows that were executed in Self-Service conversations.

For each flow, execution of the flow along with relevant details is displayed with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Top conversation flows that were executed in Agent Transfer

For each flow, execution of the flow along with relevant details is displayed with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Top conversation flows that resulted in user drop off.

For each flow, execution of the flow along with relevant details is displayed with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Tasks Name of the task and the count. N/A The total number of failed tasks.

For each task, additional information like User Name, Failure Point, Failure Reason, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

The total number of failed tasks.

For each task, additional information like User Name, Failure Point, Failure Reason, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Intents The cluster of similar intents/utterances and the count. N/A The total number of times that this utterance was unidentified.

For each utterance, additional information like User Name, Utterance, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

The total number of times that this utterance was unidentified.

For each utterance, additional information like User Name, Utterance, Date & Time, and Channel would be given with the entire transcript displayed when clicked upon.

Filter Criteria

A filter can be applied to display the required Metrics.

  • Select the Time Period:
    • 7 Days – Data aggregated over the past seven days is displayed.
    • 24 Hours – Only data aggregated during the immediately preceding 24 hours is displayed. This is the default setting.
    • Custom – Click to display the Custom Date Range dialog that you can use to define a specific date period. On the left side, select or enter a start date, and then on the right side, select or enter the end data for displaying activity data. Selection up to a maximum of 90 days preceding the current date is allowed.
  • Using the Filter option, select:
    • Metrics over a specified Channel.
    • Metrics for a specified Language.
    • The conversation session types can be either one or both (default setting) of the following:
      • interactive – the normal conversation between the user and the bot;
      • non-interactive – sessions where bot messages are presented to the user without any message from the user

      See here for details on conversation session types.

    • based upon the meta tags added at a message, user, or session level. Multiple tags can be selected wherein the ‘AND’ condition is applied.


You can filter the dashboard using meta tags added at a message, user, or session level. Multiple tags can be selected under the filter criteria, an ‘and‘ condition will be applied across multiple fields selected for filtering.

The following table gives the widget-wise applicability of meta tags on the dashboard.

Widget Type Session Tags User Tags Message Tags
Realtime Widgets Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Successful Tasks Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Alerts Sent Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Sessions Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Messages & Conversation Sessions Applicable Applicable Applicable for Chats
Successful Tasks Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Intent Recognized vs. Failed Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Top Tasks Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Top Channels Applicable Applicable Not Applicable
Agent Transfer Applicable Applicable Not Applicable