General Settings

General Settings allows you to make generic changes to your Process App. To make changes to your Process App, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Settings tab on the top.
  2. By default, the General Settings page is displayed.
  3. On the General Settings page, you can update the following:
    1. App Icon – Add an image to set as your app icon.
    2. Name  – Change or update your Process App’s name. You cannot change the name if it is published.
    3. Description – Add or update the description of your app.
    4. Visibility – Select your Process App to be Private or Public. You cannot change the visibility if it is published.
      1. Private – If selected, your Process App will be visible to anyone with the app link.
      2. Public – If selected, your Process App will be restricted to specified user groups and users added to the system.