
A channel is a line of communication between your process app and its users. You can use channels for various purposes such as notifying users of important updates, delivering alerts, or sending data to users.

By default, the Process App supports three channels. They are as follows:

  • Email
  • Bot
  • API

Configure an Email Channel

To configure an email channel, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Settings tab on the top.
  2. By default, the General Settings page is displayed.
  3. On the left pane, click Channels.
  4. On the Channels page, select Email.
  5. On the Email window, you can configure the email based on the type selected. 
    1. If you select Default, then enter an email address in the Default Email field. 
    2. If you select Custom, then you must set up a custom email. Under the Setup SMTP section, enter the following details:
      1. Server Name – Enter the server name
      2. Port Number – Enter the port number of the server
      3. Sender Email Address – Enter the email address of the sender
      4. Username – Enter the user name of the server
      5. Password – Enter the password for authentication
      6. TLS Encryption – Enable TLS Encryption for security purposes. It is recommended to enable this option.
  6. Click Save.

Configure a Bot Channel

To configure a bot channel, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Settings tab on the top.
  2. By default, the General Settings page is displayed.
  3. On the left pane, click Channels.
  4. On the Channels page, select Bot.
  5. On the Bot window, you can select the following settings:
    1. Bot – Select a bot from the drop-down list.
    2. Channel – Select a channel from the drop-down list.
    3. Instructions – To configure a bot as a delivery channel, you must associate the process app with the bot. Slack and MS Teams are the only channels supported. You can find the instructions to configure them.
  6. Click Save.

Configure an API Channel

You must configure an API channel to deliver notifications, messages, alerts, and fetch users and user groups.

To configure an API channel, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Settings tab on the top.
  2. By default, the General Settings page is displayed.
  3. On the left pane, click Channels.
  4. On the Channels page, select API.
  5. On the API window, you must define the following settings:
    1. Channel Configuration – Define an API request to use the API channel to deliver notifications, messages, and alerts. 
    2. Get Users and Groups – Define an API request to fetch user(s) and group(s) from the API channel for notifications, alerts, tasks, etc. This is optional. But if the API is given during the assignment configuration, the users’ list appears in the suggestive recipients’ list as the user types the email addresses, and the system checks for matching records and provides them in the suggestive list.
  6. Click Save.