Form Components

You can define a Digital Form by adding components and configuring their properties.

  • You can drag and drop the components available on the left pane to the canvas and configure their properties to build the form. For details of the components & their properties, see below.
  • Scroll through the list to search for a given component.
  • View in a grid format.

Basic & Advanced Components

The following is a list of available components and their properties:

Component Description Sample
Text Field – Used for single-line input.
Text Area – Used for multi-line entry.
Number – Used for numerical entries.
Radio Button – Used as a selection option from a given list.
Drop-down – Used as a selection option from a given list; can be multi-select.
Checkbox – Used for multi-select option from a given list.
Date – Used for date entries, gives a date picker for the user to choose the date.
Date & Time – Used for date and time entries, give a date and time picker for the user to choose the date and time.
Use the Date component and set the Time option to yes; choose from 12- or 24-hour format.
Phone Number – Used for phone number entries, allows the user to choose the country code.
Email – Used for email address entries, validates for format.
Toggle – Used for switching between two values, ideal for yes/no type of inputs.
Address – Used for address entries.
URL – Used for web URL entries, validates for format.
Range Slider – Value selection between specified min and max values; can be represented as a percentage.
Button – Used as a clickable component to submit, or reset, or open an external URL on the form. Choose from Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Ghost, or Danger.
Label – Used to display a static text box, no action is required from the user.
Protip – Used to mark important information for the end-user, no user action required.
Note – Used to mark information for the end-user, no user action required.