Form Actions

You can perform the following actions on the form:

  • Edit a Form
  • Use the Branding option to customize a form
  • Test a form
  • Clone a form
  • Delete a form

Edit a Form

To edit a form, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Forms tab on the top.
  2. On the Forms page, you can find the list of forms.
  3. Hover over the form you want to edit and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
  4. Select Edit from the list of actions.
  5. On the Form page, you can perform the following actions:
    1. Component Listing is used to select and add components to the Form by simple drag and drop action.
    2. Use View Toggler to switch between Desktop View and Mobile View.
    3. Use the Handle Bar of each of the components to change its location by a simple drag and drop action.
    4. Use Form Actions to:
      1. Test the form to preview the Digital Form in the Process App.
      2. Delete the Form.
      3. Change the Form Settings like name, display name, and description.
    5. Use the Component Actions to access the Settings, Duplicate, and Delete the component.
    6. You can change the components’ properties from the Component Settings popup window:
      1. Use the Component Docker to dock/undock the settings pane to the screen.
      2. Use the Component Selector to navigate through the components on the Form.

Customize a Form (Branding)

The Branding option allows you to change the appearance of the form to reflect your organization’s standards. An instant preview gives you an overview of the appearance with new colors. You can also Save or Restore the Default scheme.

To make branding changes, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Forms tab on the top.
  2. On the Forms page, you can find the list of forms.
  3. Hover over the form you want to make branding changes and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
  4. Select Branding from the list of actions.
  5. On the corresponding page, you can find two columns: Appearance and Preview.
  6. On the appearance column, you can replace existing colors with different ones.
  7. On the preview column, you can preview those changes.
  8. Click Save.
  9. If you want to restore those colors to the original settings, click Restore Default at the bottom of the page.

Test a Form

To test a form, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Forms tab on the top.
  2. On the Forms page, you can find the list of forms.
  3. Hover over the form you want to test and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
  4. Select Test from the list of actions.
  5. You can find the preview of the form.

Clone a Form 

To clone a form, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Forms tab on the top.
  2. On the Forms page, you can find the list of forms.
  3. Hover over the form you want to clone and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
  4. Select Clone from the list of actions.
  5. A copy of the form is created.

Delete a Form 

To delete a form, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Forms tab on the top.
  2. On the Forms page, you can find the list of forms.
  3. Hover over the form you want to delete and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
  4. Select Delete from the list of actions to delete the form.