Table Views

Table Views let you create custom datasets by joining one or more Data Tables. These definitions get converted to queries to extract data from one or more data tables by using the required joins.


View definition includes:

  • Name for the view.
  • Description of the view
  • Assignment of Bot and Apps to access the View
  • A View can be built from a Single Table or Multiple Tables.
    • For both types, you need to
      • select the table;
      • select the columns to be included in the view, you can use aggregation functions like sum, avg, min, max and count. Usage example: count(<table_name>.<column_name>)
      • the criteria for filtering the results using
        • column name – select from the drop-down list;
        • comparison operator – select from =, !=, < or >
        • comparison value
        • you can have multiple filter criteria connected by AND/OR operators
      • the Group By columns for arranging the identical data into groups as <table_name>.<column_name>, and
      • the Sort By columns to order the results as <table_name>.<column_name> asc/desc

    • In addition, for multiple tables view, you need to specify the Join criteria by configuring
      • Table to be joined;
      • the type of join– inner, right outer or left outer;
      • the join columns – pick from the drop-down list and
      • specify the join criteria using the operation =, !=, > or < operators.
      • You can have multiple Join Rules. You can have up to 4 join rules.

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