In Role management, New Role window under Permission, set the dashboard access controls permissions by selecting either No, View, or Full.

    • No for no access permission.
    • View for only view access permission. and
    • Full for full access (view and change) permission.

The following permissions are listed in the New Role window.

  1. Agent Management – Permission to Add / Remove / Update Profile, Voice & Chat Support preferences and map skills to Agent.
  2. Agent Group Management – Permission to create Agent Group(s) and Add / Remove Manager(s) to the group
  3. Waiting Experience Management – Permission to add Routing Rules, add Call and Chat Experience settings during Wait time
  4. Skill Management – Permission to add Skill(s) and map Agents to the Skill(s), add Priority Aging settings
  5. Skill Group Management – Permission to create Skill Group(s), needed for creating Skills and Skill Points
  6. Language Settings Management – Permission to add / delete Language(s) supporting Agents, upload Audio files for Hold Audio, define voice and Speech Recognition Preferences
  7. Agent Status Settings Management – Permission to add custom Agent Status
  8. Agent Status Hours of Operations Management – Permission to Add / Update Standard Operating hours, working and non-working days
  9. Queue settings – Permission to Enable / Disable Skill Priority, Skill Priority Group, Agent Proficiency, Agent Affinity
  10. Role Management – Permission to add Custom Role(s) and the corresponding Permissions
  11. Standard Response Management – Permission to create Response Group(s) and Responses for the Agent(s) to respond to the users
  12. Agent Desktop Console – Permission to access Agent Desktop
  13. Agent Widget Management – Permission to access Chat Widget Personalization and add External Widget(s)

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