SmartAssist lets you configure the email address, user name, and password for your contact center. You can configure the following on your email channel:

  • Automated outgoing emails to customers.
  • Skills assignment where email IDs are assigned to specific agent skills.
  • The incoming and outgoing protocol, port, and email server.
  • Auto-response text to address multiple open conversations.
  • Design, header, and footer of the email template.
  • Automation dialog mapping for the selected Bot.

For configuring the Email channel, follow these steps:

  1. On the left pane, click Channels under SYSTEM SETUP.
  2. Go to the Emails tab. Click the Email widget.

3. Click + New Email link on the window.

4. Enter the Email Address, Username, and Password details.

5. You can use the following (mandatory) configurations for common email providers:

  • Incoming Mail Setup : Enter the Protocol [As of now IMAP is supported], Incoming email server, Port, to use SSL check the box Use select SSL to connect.
  • Outgoing Mail Setup : Enter the Protocol [As of now SMTP is supported], Outgoing email server, Port, to use SSL check the box Use select SSL to connect.
  • Once the connection details are provided, you can validate the configuration by clicking the Test Connection.

The following configurations are optional:
  • Assign Email address to Skill :  Choose Skills to map the Email, which would help in routing the requests.
  • Auto-response text:
    • Enable : Allows to edit auto-response text
    • Disable : Does not allow editing of auto-response text
  • Email Template Design: If you want to use a HTML template, for the email conversation between the Agent and the User, download a sample Email template [HTML] for reference and upload the custom HTML files for both Header and Footer.
  • Dialog Mapping : This is an optional setting where you can select a Bot from the list for the initial interaction with a customer and connect to the agent at the end of the automation dialog you select from the list.

  • Instructions: This section provides the step-by-step instructions for setting up the email Channel.

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