

Notify event helps you notify users through the channels. To send notifications, you must configure channels (Bot, Email, API). Through these channels, you can deliver notifications to your users. Configure Notify Event To configure a Notify event in the process flow, follow the below steps: On the left pane, you…

Call a Subflow

Call a Subflow event allows you to invoke an independent process app. For example, let us consider process apps for loan/credit card payment requests which require OTP to authenticate and complete the process. Here, the OTP generation can be an independent application where any process app can invoke it and…


Events are used to pause and resume actions in the process flow. It also helps you to notify the user of actions performed in the business process. There are two types of events involved in building a process flow: Call a Subflow – This event allows you to invoke an…

Connect to API

Connect to API integration is a service request made to a third-party application to help both applications communicate with each other to share the necessary information. With the Connect to API integration, you can access and send data from/to third-party applications. It allows you to perform the following actions: Get…

Connect to Data Table

Data Tables allow you to persist custom data and retrieve it whenever needed. Connect to Data Table allows you to store, read, and modify the data in the data tables on the platform. For example, let us consider an approved leave request. To store the leave data, you can use…


Integrations allow you to send or receive data from your process app to other internal flows or third-party apps. In Process App, integration is subdivided into two: Connect to Data Table – It allows you to store, read, and modify the data in the data tables on the platform. Connect…

Script Task

The Script Task allows you to add or modify the data to use during the execution of a flow. In the Script Task, you can use JavaScript to access the required data. It also allows you to add or modify variables.  Configure Script Task To configure a Script Task in…

Form Task

A Form Task is a task where a digital form is sent to the recipient to gather necessary inputs. The primary purpose of this task is to get inputs from a user. If you need to make a decision and need input, you can use this form task and fetch…

Approval Task

Approval Task allows you to perform an approval action. While you build a process flow that requires an approval action to be performed, the approval task helps you perform that action. For example, let us consider an employee leave request. An employee has submitted a leave request. The system fetches…


Tasks are the key components of a workflow. It allows workflows to interact with users using human tasks or modify the data in the workflow using system tasks to provide an outcome for a business process. In a Process App, tasks are further classified into: Approval Task – It allows…