Process Apps

Manage Apps

Manage Apps allow you to create and manage client apps. Client apps are required to establish a connection through APIs and all the important developer functions are available using APIs. It also allows you to perform key account management activities through secured public APIs. Create a Client App To create…


You can simulate the process app by selecting a trigger. The primary purpose of the simulator is to test the workflow. It displays all triggers applicable to the process app and you can select a trigger to simulate. Simulate Process App To simulate your Process App, follow the below steps:…

Self-service Portal

Process App’s self-service portal offers information and allows users to check their request status. Process Apps that have only digital forms as a trigger will be available in the portal. Access Self-service Portal After the Admin adds end-users to the portal, an email notification is sent to end-users with the…


You can simulate the process app by selecting a trigger. The primary purpose of the simulator is to test the workflow. It displays all triggers applicable to the process app and you can select a trigger to simulate. Simulate Process App To simulate your Process App, follow the below steps:…

How to Create a Process App?

You must have a platform account to get started with the Process App. To access and set up the Process App, follow the below steps: Log in to the Process Apps with valid credentials. On the landing page, you can set up your process app by selecting any of…

Introduction to Process Apps

A Process App is a collection of data, rules, and tasks performed to achieve business requirements. Process Apps are used to automating the business process. Automation of business processes is based on workflow rules where human tasks, data, or files are routed between users or systems depending on business rules.…


The Dashboard gives an overview of your Process App. It allows you to track the real-time status of your application. You can find the details of the instances, tasks, usage metrics, and task trends on the dashboard. You can also filter the data based on a period (24 hours, 7…


End users can interact with a process app only when it is published. The Publish option allows you to make your Process App available to your end-users.  Process App Status Process application goes through different stages before it is used by an end-user. It follows the life cycle as shown…

Delete App

The Delete App option allows you to delete your Process App. To delete your app, follow the below steps: Click the Settings tab on the top. By default, the General Settings page is displayed. On the left pane, click Delete App at the bottom. On the Delete App dialog box,…

Change Logs

Change Logs keep track of all the changes that take place in your Process App. To access the changelogs, follow the below steps: Click the Settings tab on the top. By default, the General Settings page is displayed. On the left pane, click Change Logs. On the Change Logs page,…