의도 인식 결과와 NLP 및 ML 엔진의 점수를 모두 매겨줍니다.

이 API를 사용하려면 앱은 의도 및 입력 감지의 봇 빌더 API 범위가 필요합니다.

POST https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false

쿼리 매개 변수

매개 변수 설명
host 환경 URL(예: https://bots.kore.ai)
BotID 봇 ID입니다. 봇의 일반 설정 페이지에서 이를 액세스할 수 있습니다.
fetchConfiguredTasks 봇에 설정된 작업에서 의도를 가져오려면 이고 게시된 작업에 대해서만 가져오려면 거짓 입니다.

본문 매개 변수

매개 변수 설명
parentIntent 다중 의도 모델을 지원합니다.
input 일치하는 의도를 찾기 위한 사용자 발화 예: 작업 생성
streamName 일치하는 의도를 찾기 위한 사용자 발화 예: 작업 생성 참고 사항: 3,000자를 초과하는 길이의 긴 발화는 허용되지 않습니다.

권한 부여

다음 구문을 포함한 헤더에 JWT를 포함한 API를 호출합니다. auth: {{JWT}}

봇 언어

선택적으로 봇에 대해 다중 언어를 사용하도록 설정한 경우, 봇 언어 헤더를 en, zh_cn 등의 언어 코드와 함께 전달해야 합니다. 다국어 봇에 언어 코드가 전달되지 않았다면 봇의 기본 언어가 고려됩니다. bot-header: {{lang-code}}

콘텐츠 유형 응답


샘플 요청

curl -X POST \
  'https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false' \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}'\ 
  -H "bot-language:{{lang-code}}" \
  -d '{
     "parentIntent": "{{parent intent}}",
     "input": "{{user utterance}}",
     "streamName": "{{bot name}}"

샘플 응답

    "request": {
        "input": "book a ticket",
        "streamName": "Public APIs"
    "response": {
        "usedtime": 313,
        "debugTitle": "Intent Match Successful: 'Book a ticket'",
        "result": "successintent",
        "messageStoreId": "xxx",
        "bot": "Public APIs",
        "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
        "task": "Book a ticket",
        "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
        "intentStatus": "published",
        "subType": "dialog",
        "input": [
            "book a ticket"
        "identifiedVia": "cs em",
        "language": "en",
        "userId": "u-5dad2ccd-b271-5c00-a338-2e6e25e1ec91",
        "time": "2019-06-27T11:48:28.250Z",
        "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
        "traits": {},
        "toneAnalysis": {},
        "nlProcessing": {
            "originalInput": "book a ticket",
            "canonical": "book a ticket",
            "wordAnalysis": [
                    "word": "book",
                    "ignored": false,
                    "pos": "Verb_infinitive ",
                    "role": "MAINVERB ",
                    "original": "book",
                    "processedWord": "book"
                    "word": "a",
                    "ignored": true,
                    "pos": "Determiner ",
                    "original": "a",
                    "processedWord": "a"
                    "word": "ticket",
                    "ignored": false,
                    "pos": "Noun_singular ",
                    "role": "MAINOBJECT ",
                    "original": "ticket",
                    "processedWord": "ticket"
        "ml": {
            "namedEntityRecognition": []
        "fm": {
            "definitive": [
                    "count": 2,
                    "score": 11643.33,
                    "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
                    "botname": "Public APIs",
                    "activity": "Book a ticket",
                    "activityType": 1,
                    "exactcount": 2,
                    "labelsize": 2,
                    "ignorewords": 1,
                    "mask": 66306,
                    "words": {
                        "book": [
                        "ticket": [
                    "priority": 2,
                    "tense": 8192,
                    "mainRoles": 10,
                    "sentencelength": 3,
                    "ignorewordlist": {
                        "a": 1
                    "maskEntity": 66306,
                    "firstwordmatch": "book",
                    "details": {
                        "0": {
                            "1": {
                                "labelword": "book",
                                "inputwords": {
                                    "1": "book"
                                "wordindex": [
                                "foundexact": true,
                                "bestwordindex": 1,
                                "role": 2,
                                "pos": 2200096997376,
                                "tense": 8192,
                                "ageLevel": 1,
                                "commonness": 6
                            "2": {
                                "labelword": "ticket",
                                "inputwords": {
                                    "3": "ticket"
                                "wordindex": [
                                "foundexact": true,
                                "bestwordindex": 3,
                                "role": 8,
                                "pos": 2147483680,
                                "tense": 8192,
                                "ageLevel": 1,
                                "commonness": 5
                    "hasNoun": true,
                    "hasVerb": true,
                    "ageLevel": 1,
                    "foundFmEngine": true,
                    "scoreBreakdown": {
                        "wordMatch": 500,
                        "exactWords": 60,
                        "coverage": 2000,
                        "sentenceBonus": 4000,
                        "positionBonus": 733.33,
                        "orderBonus": 100,
                        "spreadBonus": 800,
                        "roleBonus": 2900,
                        "faqQuestionBonus": 0,
                        "mlMatchBonus": 0,
                        "tasktypeBonus": 50,
                        "matchBonus": 500,
                        "phraseJoinPenalty": 0
                    "matchType": "definite",
                    "task": "Book a ticket",
                    "state": "published",
                    "foundVia": "wordMatch"
        "finalResolver": {
            "ranking": [
                    "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
                    "intent": "Book a ticket",
                    "activityType": "dialog",
                    "state": "published",
                    "totalScore": 11643.33,
                    "scoring": {
                        "count": 2,
                        "score": 11643.33,
                        "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
                        "botname": "Public APIs",
                        "activity": "Book a ticket",
                        "activityType": 1,
                        "exactcount": 2,
                        "labelsize": 2,
                        "ignorewords": 1,
                        "mask": 66306,
                        "words": {
                            "book": [
                            "ticket": [
                        "priority": 10,
                        "tense": 8192,
                        "mainRoles": 10,
                        "sentencelength": 3,
                        "ignorewordlist": {
                            "a": 1
                        "maskEntity": 66306,
                        "firstwordmatch": "book",
                        "details": {
                            "0": {
                                "1": {
                                    "labelword": "book",
                                    "inputwords": {
                                        "1": "book"
                                    "wordindex": [
                                    "foundexact": true,
                                    "bestwordindex": 1,
                                    "role": 2,
                                    "pos": 2200096997376,
                                    "tense": 8192,
                                    "ageLevel": 1,
                                    "commonness": 6
                                "2": {
                                    "labelword": "ticket",
                                    "inputwords": {
                                        "3": "ticket"
                                    "wordindex": [
                                    "foundexact": true,
                                    "bestwordindex": 3,
                                    "role": 8,
                                    "pos": 2147483680,
                                    "tense": 8192,
                                    "ageLevel": 1,
                                    "commonness": 5
                        "hasNoun": true,
                        "hasVerb": true,
                        "ageLevel": 1,
                        "foundFmEngine": true,
                        "scoreBreakdown": {
                            "wordMatch": 500,
                            "exactWords": 60,
                            "coverage": 2000,
                            "sentenceBonus": 4000,
                            "positionBonus": 733.33,
                            "orderBonus": 100,
                            "spreadBonus": 800,
                            "roleBonus": 2900,
                            "faqQuestionBonus": 0,
                            "mlMatchBonus": 0,
                            "tasktypeBonus": 50,
                            "matchBonus": 500,
                            "phraseJoinPenalty": 0
                        "matchType": "definite",
                        "csMatch": true
                    "identifyingEngines": {
                        "fm": true
                    "csMatch": true,
                    "intentMatchVia": "wordMatch"
            "userInput": "book a ticket",
            "winningIntent": [
                    "intent": "Book a ticket",
                    "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
                    "activityType": "dialog",
                    "state": "published",
                    "score": 11643.33
            "entities": []
    "streamId": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
    "streamName": "Public APIs",
    "seqLogId": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
    "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
    "name": "Public APIs",
    "input": [
        "book a ticket"


このAPIを使用するために、アプリは [インテントおよびエンティティの検出] の [ボットビルダーのAPIスコープ] を必要とします。

ポスト https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false


パラメータ 説明
ホスト 環境URL(例: https://bots.kore.ai)
ボットID ボットID。ボットの [一般設定] ページからアクセスすることができます。
fetchConfiguredTasks ボットの設定済みタスクからインテントを取得する場合は「True」、公開済みタスクのみを取得する場合は「False」となります


パラメータ 説明
parentIntent 複数インテントモデルをサポートします
input 一致するインテントを見つけるためのユーザーの発話 例:タスクを作成する
streamName 一致するインテントを見つけるためのユーザーの発話 例:タスクを作成する 注意:3,000文字を超える文字列は使用できません


以下の構文を使用して、JWTをヘッダーに含むAPIを呼び出します。 auth: {{JWT}}


オプションとして、ボットで多言語を有効にしている場合は、en、zh_cnなどの言語コードを含むボット言語ヘッダーを渡す必要があります。多言語ボットの場合、言語コードが渡されない場合は、ボットのデフォルト言語が考慮されます。 bot-header: {{lang-code}}




curl -X POST \   'https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false' \   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \ -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}'\ -H "bot-language:{{lang-code}}" \ -d '{ "parentIntent": "{{parent intent}}", "input": "{{user utterance}}", "streamName": "{{bot name}}" }'


{ "request": { "input": "book a ticket", "streamName": "Public APIs" }, "response": { "usedtime": 313, "debugTitle": "Intent Match Successful: 'Book a ticket'", "result": "successintent", "messageStoreId": "xxx", "bot": "Public APIs", "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb", "task": "Book a ticket", "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646", "intentStatus": "published", "subType": "dialog", "input": [ "book a ticket" ], "identifiedVia": "cs em", "language": "en", "userId": "u-5dad2ccd-b271-5c00-a338-2e6e25e1ec91", "time": "2019-06-27T11:48:28.250Z", "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5", "traits": {}, "toneAnalysis": {}, "nlProcessing": { "originalInput": "book a ticket", "canonical": "book a ticket", "wordAnalysis": [ { "word": "book", "ignored": false, "pos": "Verb_infinitive ", "role": "MAINVERB ", "original": "book", "processedWord": "book" }, { "word": "a", "ignored": true, "pos": "Determiner ", "original": "a", "processedWord": "a" }, { "word": "ticket", "ignored": false, "pos": "Noun_singular ", "role": "MAINOBJECT ", "original": "ticket", "processedWord": "ticket" } ] }, "ml": { "namedEntityRecognition": [] }, "fm": { "definitive": [ { "count": 2, "score": 11643.33, "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb", "botname": "Public APIs", "activity": "Book a ticket", "activityType": 1, "exactcount": 2, "labelsize": 2, "ignorewords": 1, "mask": 66306, "words": { "book": [ "0-1" ], "ticket": [ "0-3" ] }, "priority": 2, "tense": 8192, "mainRoles": 10, "sentencelength": 3, "ignorewordlist": { "a": 1 }, "maskEntity": 66306, "firstwordmatch": "book", "details": { "0": { "1": { "labelword": "book", "inputwords": { "1": "book" }, "wordindex": [ 1 ], "foundexact": true, "bestwordindex": 1, "role": 2, "pos": 2200096997376, "tense": 8192, "ageLevel": 1, "commonness": 6 }, "2": { "labelword": "ticket", "inputwords": { "3": "ticket" }, "wordindex": [ 3 ], "foundexact": true, "bestwordindex": 3, "role": 8, "pos": 2147483680, "tense": 8192, "ageLevel": 1, "commonness": 5 } } }, "hasNoun": true, "hasVerb": true, "ageLevel": 1, "foundFmEngine": true, "scoreBreakdown": { "wordMatch": 500, "exactWords": 60, "coverage": 2000, "sentenceBonus": 4000, "positionBonus": 733.33, "orderBonus": 100, "spreadBonus": 800, "roleBonus": 2900, "faqQuestionBonus": 0, "mlMatchBonus": 0, "tasktypeBonus": 50, "matchBonus": 500, "phraseJoinPenalty": 0 }, "matchType": "definite", "task": "Book a ticket", "state": "published", "foundVia": "wordMatch" } ] }, "finalResolver": { "ranking": [ { "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646", "intent": "Book a ticket", "activityType": "dialog", "state": "published", "totalScore": 11643.33, "scoring": { "count": 2, "score": 11643.33, "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb", "botname": "Public APIs", "activity": "Book a ticket", "activityType": 1, "exactcount": 2, "labelsize": 2, "ignorewords": 1, "mask": 66306, "words": { "book": [ "0-1" ], "ticket": [ "0-3" ] }, "priority": 10, "tense": 8192, "mainRoles": 10, "sentencelength": 3, "ignorewordlist": { "a": 1 }, "maskEntity": 66306, "firstwordmatch": "book", "details": { "0": { "1": { "labelword": "book", "inputwords": { "1": "book" }, "wordindex": [ 1 ], "foundexact": true, "bestwordindex": 1, "role": 2, "pos": 2200096997376, "tense": 8192, "ageLevel": 1, "commonness": 6 }, "2": { "labelword": "ticket", "inputwords": { "3": "ticket" }, "wordindex": [ 3 ], "foundexact": true, "bestwordindex": 3, "role": 8, "pos": 2147483680, "tense": 8192, "ageLevel": 1, "commonness": 5 } } }, "hasNoun": true, "hasVerb": true, "ageLevel": 1, "foundFmEngine": true, "scoreBreakdown": { "wordMatch": 500, "exactWords": 60, "coverage": 2000, "sentenceBonus": 4000, "positionBonus": 733.33, "orderBonus": 100, "spreadBonus": 800, "roleBonus": 2900, "faqQuestionBonus": 0, "mlMatchBonus": 0, "tasktypeBonus": 50, "matchBonus": 500, "phraseJoinPenalty": 0 }, "matchType": "definite", "csMatch": true }, "identifyingEngines": { "fm": true }, "csMatch": true, "intentMatchVia": "wordMatch" } ], "userInput": "book a ticket", "winningIntent": [ { "intent": "Book a ticket", "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646", "activityType": "dialog", "state": "published", "score": 11643.33 } ], "entities": [] } }, "streamId": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb", "streamName": "Public APIs", "seqLogId": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5", "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5", "name": "Public APIs", "input": [ "book a ticket" ] }

Fetches the intent recognition result and the scoring from NLP and ML engines.

To use this API, the app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Intent and Entity Detection.

POST https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai
BotID Bot ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot.
fetchConfiguredTasks true if you want to fetch the intents from configured tasks in the bot and false if you want to fetch only for the published tasks

Body Parameters

Parameter Description
parentIntent To support Multiple Intent Models
input The user utterance to find the matching intents
Example: Create a task
streamName The user utterance to find the matching intents
Example: Create a task
Note: Utterances greater than 3,000 characters in length are not allowed


Invoke the API with JWT in the header with the following syntax:

auth: {{JWT}}

Bot Language

Optionally, if multi-language is enabled for the Bot, you need to pass the bot-language header with the language code, eg en, zh_cn etc.. If the language code is not passed for a multi-lingual Bot, then the default language of the Bot will be considered.

bot-header: {{lang-code}}

Response content type


Sample Request

curl -X POST \
  'https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false' \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}'\ 
  -H "bot-language:{{lang-code}}" \
  -d '{
     "parentIntent": "{{parent intent}}",
     "input": "{{user utterance}}",
     "streamName": "{{bot name}}"

Sample Response

    "request": {
        "input": "book a ticket",
        "streamName": "Public APIs"
    "response": {
        "usedtime": 313,
        "debugTitle": "Intent Match Successful: 'Book a ticket'",
        "result": "successintent",
        "messageStoreId": "xxx",
        "bot": "Public APIs",
        "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
        "task": "Book a ticket",
        "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
        "intentStatus": "published",
        "subType": "dialog",
        "input": [
            "book a ticket"
        "identifiedVia": "cs em",
        "language": "en",
        "userId": "u-5dad2ccd-b271-5c00-a338-2e6e25e1ec91",
        "time": "2019-06-27T11:48:28.250Z",
        "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
        "traits": {},
        "toneAnalysis": {},
        "nlProcessing": {
            "originalInput": "book a ticket",
            "canonical": "book a ticket",
            "wordAnalysis": [
                    "word": "book",
                    "ignored": false,
                    "pos": "Verb_infinitive ",
                    "role": "MAINVERB ",
                    "original": "book",
                    "processedWord": "book"
                    "word": "a",
                    "ignored": true,
                    "pos": "Determiner ",
                    "original": "a",
                    "processedWord": "a"
                    "word": "ticket",
                    "ignored": false,
                    "pos": "Noun_singular ",
                    "role": "MAINOBJECT ",
                    "original": "ticket",
                    "processedWord": "ticket"
        "ml": {
            "namedEntityRecognition": []
        "fm": {
            "definitive": [
                    "count": 2,
                    "score": 11643.33,
                    "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
                    "botname": "Public APIs",
                    "activity": "Book a ticket",
                    "activityType": 1,
                    "exactcount": 2,
                    "labelsize": 2,
                    "ignorewords": 1,
                    "mask": 66306,
                    "words": {
                        "book": [
                        "ticket": [
                    "priority": 2,
                    "tense": 8192,
                    "mainRoles": 10,
                    "sentencelength": 3,
                    "ignorewordlist": {
                        "a": 1
                    "maskEntity": 66306,
                    "firstwordmatch": "book",
                    "details": {
                        "0": {
                            "1": {
                                "labelword": "book",
                                "inputwords": {
                                    "1": "book"
                                "wordindex": [
                                "foundexact": true,
                                "bestwordindex": 1,
                                "role": 2,
                                "pos": 2200096997376,
                                "tense": 8192,
                                "ageLevel": 1,
                                "commonness": 6
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                                "labelword": "ticket",
                                "inputwords": {
                                    "3": "ticket"
                                "wordindex": [
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                                "bestwordindex": 3,
                                "role": 8,
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                                "tense": 8192,
                                "ageLevel": 1,
                                "commonness": 5
                    "hasNoun": true,
                    "hasVerb": true,
                    "ageLevel": 1,
                    "foundFmEngine": true,
                    "scoreBreakdown": {
                        "wordMatch": 500,
                        "exactWords": 60,
                        "coverage": 2000,
                        "sentenceBonus": 4000,
                        "positionBonus": 733.33,
                        "orderBonus": 100,
                        "spreadBonus": 800,
                        "roleBonus": 2900,
                        "faqQuestionBonus": 0,
                        "mlMatchBonus": 0,
                        "tasktypeBonus": 50,
                        "matchBonus": 500,
                        "phraseJoinPenalty": 0
                    "matchType": "definite",
                    "task": "Book a ticket",
                    "state": "published",
                    "foundVia": "wordMatch"
        "finalResolver": {
            "ranking": [
                    "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
                    "intent": "Book a ticket",
                    "activityType": "dialog",
                    "state": "published",
                    "totalScore": 11643.33,
                    "scoring": {
                        "count": 2,
                        "score": 11643.33,
                        "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
                        "botname": "Public APIs",
                        "activity": "Book a ticket",
                        "activityType": 1,
                        "exactcount": 2,
                        "labelsize": 2,
                        "ignorewords": 1,
                        "mask": 66306,
                        "words": {
                            "book": [
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                        "priority": 10,
                        "tense": 8192,
                        "mainRoles": 10,
                        "sentencelength": 3,
                        "ignorewordlist": {
                            "a": 1
                        "maskEntity": 66306,
                        "firstwordmatch": "book",
                        "details": {
                            "0": {
                                "1": {
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                                    "inputwords": {
                                        "1": "book"
                                    "wordindex": [
                                    "foundexact": true,
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                                    "role": 2,
                                    "pos": 2200096997376,
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                                    "ageLevel": 1,
                                    "commonness": 6
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                                    "inputwords": {
                                        "3": "ticket"
                                    "wordindex": [
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                                    "role": 8,
                                    "pos": 2147483680,
                                    "tense": 8192,
                                    "ageLevel": 1,
                                    "commonness": 5
                        "hasNoun": true,
                        "hasVerb": true,
                        "ageLevel": 1,
                        "foundFmEngine": true,
                        "scoreBreakdown": {
                            "wordMatch": 500,
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                            "coverage": 2000,
                            "sentenceBonus": 4000,
                            "positionBonus": 733.33,
                            "orderBonus": 100,
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