Kore.ai provides integration for a built-in Box Bot that you can use to display message notifications and execute tasks directly from the Kore.ai application. To use the Box Bot, you just need to add the Bot to your Kore.ai account, and then configure the settings for the Bot, such as authentication to access Box, and the notification messages that you want. This topic describes the Box built-in Bot for Kore.ai. For more information about other Kore.ai Bots, see Adding Bots.

About the Kore.ai Bot for Box

DIYBoxLogoBox offers secure content management and collaboration for individuals, teams and businesses, enabling secure file sharing and access to your files online.

Integration Type Web Service – Connect to this Bot using a web service integration where Kore.ai polls the service for updates based on a specified interval.
Category File Management – This Bot is available in the Kore.ai application in the File Management category.


Configuring Box 

To configure web service tasks, you need to add the Box Bot from the Kore.ai Marketplace tab in the Kore.ai application, and then setup the task.
To setup a Box task, click Connect to Box, enter the Box URL for your company, for example, https://app.box.com, your Box account ID, your password, and then press Enter.
After you are connected, you can perform tasks for Box directly from the Kore.ai application and setup message notifications to get notified in the Kore.ai application when an event occurs in Box.
The following table describes Box tasks that you can integrate with Kore.ai.

Comment on a File In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a File
  • and then enter a Comment.

In a space room, you can enter the @box comment Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Copy Folder In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a Folder to Copy
  • search for a Destination Folder
  • and then optionally enter a New Name.

In a space room, you can enter the @box copyfolder Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Share a File In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a File
  • select the Access Level of the file
  • and then optionally enter a Password.

In a space room, you can enter the @box sharefile Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Share a Folder In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a Folder
  • select the Access Level of the folder
  • and then optionally enter a Password.

In a space room, you can enter the @box sharefolder Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Move File to Trash In the Perform Task dialog, search for a File to move to trash.
In a space room, you can enter the @box trashfile Bot command to invoke and configure this task.
Move Folder to Trash In the Perform Task dialog, search for a Folder to move to trash.
In a space room, you can enter the @box trashfolder Bot command to invoke and configure this task.
Copy File In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a File to Copy
  • search for a Destination Folder
  • and then optionally enter a New Name.

In a space room, you can enter the @box copyfile Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Restore File from Trash In the Perform Task dialog, select a File to restore.
In a space room, you can enter the @box restorefile Bot command to invoke and configure this task.
Search for Files In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a File and Folders
  • and then select Search Within a file or folder.

In a space room, you can enter the @box searchfile Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Add Collaboration In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a Folder
  • enter a Mail Id
  • and then select a Role.

In a space room, you can enter the @box invite Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Delete File Permanently In the Perform Task dialog, select a File to delete.
In a space room, you can enter the @box deletefile Bot command to invoke and configure this task.
Create Folder In the Perform Task dialog,

  • search for a Parent Folder
  • and then enter a Name.

In a space room, you can enter the @box createfolder Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

You can setup message notifications to your Kore.ai account using a Box web service. To configure the File Update Notification, click  click Get notified when…, and then in the Setup Task dialog:

  • optionally click the gray box in the Filters section to setup one or more filters to prevent message notifications for specified criteria. You can filter on:
    • Alert me when changes are made to files owned by me
    • Alert me when changes are made to any file shared with me
    • Click Done to save the filter.
  • optionally customize the Task Name 
  • optionally customize the Short Description
  • enable or disable Mute task notifications
  • optionally customize the interval for message notifications in the Check for updates… section.

Next Steps

After Box is configured as web service, when any of the events occur in Box, a message is displayed on the Bots tab in the Messages section for the Kore.ai account.