봇에 사용할 수 있는 배치 테스트 제품군 목록을 가져오기
이 API를 사용하려면 앱에 일괄 테스트 관리의 봇 빌더 범위 또는 일괄 테스트 관리의 관리자 API 범위가 필요합니다.
GET https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit}
봇에 사용할 수 있는 배치 테스트 제품군 목록을 가져오기
이 API를 사용하려면 앱에 일괄 테스트 관리의 봇 빌더 범위 또는 일괄 테스트 관리의 관리자 API 범위가 필요합니다.
GET https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit}
매개 변수 | 필수/선택 사항 | 설명 |
host | 필수 | 환경 URL(예: https://bots.kore.ai) |
BotID | 필수 | 봇 ID 또는 스트림 ID. 봇의 일반 설정 페이지에서 이를 액세스할 수 있습니다. |
skip | 선택 사항 | 가져오기 전에 건너뛸 레코드 수입니다. |
limit | 선택 사항 | 가져올 레코드 수입니다. |
다음 구문을 포함한 헤더에 JWT를 포함한 API를 호출합니다. auth: {{JWT}}
curl -X GET \ https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit} \ --header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \ --header 'bot-language: {language-code}'
{ "count": 36, "moreAvailable": true, "ts-2325d03c-e030-5f11-b1d2-374b180ace0f": { "testSuiteType": "custom", "name": "sdsa", "description": "dfgfd", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-6bc96056-6f11-535b-aaa8-f9a72b871695", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-e1cc3543-8ccd-5674-8648-ec2ecc7b611d", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-0534c529-4d79-597a-9a35-c8ad44b05065", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-a1c34b8c-6d03-5e12-800a-358c1861e170", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-1a61b34d-0a49-5414-88ac-8faa09cf3ceb", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-84509dfa-34e2-58ce-986b-8360f0fc5a2e", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-2b05691f-ab91-562b-9859-75f9f8b54d82", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-75511670-2955-5564-b338-8f3ced40dfc9", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 1, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 1, "success": 1, "failure": 1, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.50", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "0.67" } ] }, "Last100sentences": { "testSuiteType": "prebuilt", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-db248103-4a85-5a52-87fc-bacc338ae071", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-80351fa0-ed2a-5536-8399-ddb877fea2cb", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-7d350066-645a-5baa-a428-7d02560932ca", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-21f8ffa5-1e81-58b4-80b7-202684fadf74", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-4aa0b4e4-eee5-595f-87f4-2b27392442f9", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 3, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 3, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-054363db-eb74-57d9-bab2-dea9e96486da", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" } ] }, "AllMlUtterances": { "testSuiteType": "prebuilt", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-e2dae915-1427-5911-8dda-c682a03f0708", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-2b899359-17d2-5b1c-afc0-a8cdd6f3a111", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-1a248c92-86cc-5254-bdc9-7c66294d3257", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-c1325101-fed3-5a10-89e8-79db2fde72f4", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-3e8631f6-9c43-5f49-833c-eeb005606c24", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-8e01282e-cb31-5fbb-aef0-153bdc4c16ef", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" } ] } }
GET https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit}
パラメータ | 必須/任意 | 説明 |
ホスト | 必須 | 環境URL(例: https://bots.kore.ai) |
BotID | 必須 | ボットIDまたはストリームID。ボットの [一般設定] ページからアクセスすることができます。 |
skip | 任意 | 取得前にスキップする記録の数です。 |
limit | 任意 | 取得する記録の数です。 |
以下の構文を使用して、JWTをヘッダーに含むAPIを呼び出します。 auth: {{JWT}}
curl -X GET \ https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit} \ --header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \ --header 'bot-language: {language-code}'
{ "count": 36, "moreAvailable": true, "ts-2325d03c-e030-5f11-b1d2-374b180ace0f": { "testSuiteType": "custom", "name": "sdsa", "description": "dfgfd", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-6bc96056-6f11-535b-aaa8-f9a72b871695", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-e1cc3543-8ccd-5674-8648-ec2ecc7b611d", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-0534c529-4d79-597a-9a35-c8ad44b05065", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-a1c34b8c-6d03-5e12-800a-358c1861e170", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-1a61b34d-0a49-5414-88ac-8faa09cf3ceb", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-84509dfa-34e2-58ce-986b-8360f0fc5a2e", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-2b05691f-ab91-562b-9859-75f9f8b54d82", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-75511670-2955-5564-b338-8f3ced40dfc9", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 1, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 1, "success": 1, "failure": 1, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.50", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "0.67" } ] }, "Last100sentences": { "testSuiteType": "prebuilt", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-db248103-4a85-5a52-87fc-bacc338ae071", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-80351fa0-ed2a-5536-8399-ddb877fea2cb", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-7d350066-645a-5baa-a428-7d02560932ca", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-21f8ffa5-1e81-58b4-80b7-202684fadf74", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-4aa0b4e4-eee5-595f-87f4-2b27392442f9", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 3, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 3, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-054363db-eb74-57d9-bab2-dea9e96486da", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" } ] }, "AllMlUtterances": { "testSuiteType": "prebuilt", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-e2dae915-1427-5911-8dda-c682a03f0708", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-2b899359-17d2-5b1c-afc0-a8cdd6f3a111", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-1a248c92-86cc-5254-bdc9-7c66294d3257", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-c1325101-fed3-5a10-89e8-79db2fde72f4", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-3e8631f6-9c43-5f49-833c-eeb005606c24", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" }, { "_id": "tr-8e01282e-cb31-5fbb-aef0-153bdc4c16ef", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 2, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 2, "failure": 0, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "1.00", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "1.00" } ] } }
To get the list of Batch Test Suites available for a bot.
To use this API, app needs the Bot Builder Scope of Batch Tests Management
OR the Admin API Scope of Batch Tests Management.
GET https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit}
Parameter | Required/Optional | Description |
host | Required | Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai |
BotID | Required | Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. |
skip | Optional | Number of records to skip before fetching. |
limit | Optional | The number of records to fetch. |
Invoke the API with JWT in the header with the following syntax:
auth: {{JWT}}
curl -X GET \ https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite?skip={skip}&limit={limit} \ --header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \ --header 'bot-language: {language-code}'
{ "count": 36, "moreAvailable": true, "ts-2325d03c-e030-5f11-b1d2-374b180ace0f": { "testSuiteType": "custom", "name": "sdsa", "description": "dfgfd", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-6bc96056-6f11-535b-aaa8-f9a72b871695", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-e1cc3543-8ccd-5674-8648-ec2ecc7b611d", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-0534c529-4d79-597a-9a35-c8ad44b05065", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-a1c34b8c-6d03-5e12-800a-358c1861e170", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-1a61b34d-0a49-5414-88ac-8faa09cf3ceb", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 2, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 2, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-84509dfa-34e2-58ce-986b-8360f0fc5a2e", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-2b05691f-ab91-562b-9859-75f9f8b54d82", "version": "inDevelopment" }, { "_id": "tr-75511670-2955-5564-b338-8f3ced40dfc9", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 1, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 1, "success": 1, "failure": 1, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 0, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.50", "precision": "1.00", "f1_score": "0.67" } ] }, "Last100sentences": { "testSuiteType": "prebuilt", "results": [ { "_id": "tr-db248103-4a85-5a52-87fc-bacc338ae071", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-80351fa0-ed2a-5536-8399-ddb877fea2cb", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, "failedEntitiesCount": 0 }, "recall": "0.00", "precision": "0.00", "f1_score": "0.00" }, { "_id": "tr-7d350066-645a-5baa-a428-7d02560932ca", "version": "inDevelopment", "results": { "TP": 0, "TN": 0, "FP": 0, "FN": 0, "success": 0, "failure": 3, "totalEntitiesCount": 0, "matchedEntitiesCount": 0, "failedUtteranceCount": 3, 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