Kore.ai provides integration for a built-in Assembla Bot that you can use to display message notifications and execute tasks directly from the Kore.ai application. To use the Assembla Bot, you just need to add the Bot to your Kore.ai account, and then configure the settings for the Bot, such as authentication to access Assembla, and the notification messages that you want. This topic describes the Assembla built-in Bot for Kore.ai. For more information about other Kore.ai Bots, see Adding Bots.

About the Kore.ai Bot for Assembla

DIYAssemblaLogoAssembla saves time by streamlining collaborations with developers, designers, and clients. This bot enables you to create tickets and get updates.

Integration Type Webhook – Connect to this Bot using a webhook integration where the web application pushes message notifications in near real time.
Category Developer Tools – This Bot is available in the Kore.ai application in the Developer Tools category.


Configuring Assembla

To configure an Assembla webhook for Kore.ai, you must have an Assembla account with administrator access as well as API access to configure a webhook. If you don’t, you’ll need to contact the Assembla system administrator for your company.
To get started configuring the webhook in Assembla, you’ll need two things:

  1. The Kore.ai webhook URL provided when you set up an alert in your Kore.ai account for each alert that you want to enable in Assembla.
  2. A valid Username and Password for an account with Assembla API access.
  3. Installed the Webhook Tool

The webhook URL is account-specific and cannot be transferred to any other account. This means that if you configure an Assembla webhook using a test account, you will have to recreate the alert and get a new webhook URL to configure in Assembla. The following URL is an example webhook URL.

Configuring Webhook

This procedure describes the steps in Assembla to configure a webhook using a Kore.ai webhook URL endpoint.

  1. Log on to Assembla and then in the Spaces section, select the space that you want to add a Kore.ai webhook to. The Space Details page is displayed.
  2. If the Webhook tab is displayed on the top menu bar for your space, the webhook tool is already installed and you can skip to step 6.
  3. If the Webhook tab is not displayed on the top navigation bar, click Admin.
  4. In the Tools section, click More.
  5. In the list of tools, for Webhooks, click Add to install the webhook tool.
  6. On the Webhook tab, click New Webhook. The New Webhook page is displayed.
  7. In the Title field, enter the name for the webhook used in the Assembla application.
  8. Select Enabled to enable the webhook after it is configured.
  9. In the External URL field, enter the Kore.ai webhook URL for the alert.
  10. Set the Http method field to POST and the Content type field to application/json.
  11. In the Content text box, copy and paste the following code:
  12. In the Post updates about section, select the events that you want to get Kore.ai alerts for, and then Click Add or Update.

You can customize this webhook configuration to provide additional information in the Kore.ai Alert using other available variables in the Content text box, and selecting additional events in the Post updates about section. For more information, see the Configuring the Webhooks Tool Tutorial in the Assembla documentation.

Configuring Web Service

To configure web service tasks, you need to add the Assembla Bot using the Bot Store link in Kore.ai Messenger on the Bots page, and then setup the task.
To setup an Assembla task, click Connect to Assembla, enter your username, your password, and then press Enter.
After you are connected, you can perform tasks for Assembla directly from the Kore.ai application and setup message notifications to get notified in the Kore.ai application when an event occurs in Assembla.
The following table describes Assembla tasks that you can integrate with Kore.ai.

Create Comment In the Perform Task dialog,

  • select a Space
  • select a Ticket
  • and then enter a Comment.

In a team room, you can enter the @assembla createcomment Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Create Space In the Perform Task dialog,

  • enter a Space Name
  • and then optionally enter a Description.

In a team room, you can enter the @assembla createspace Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Update Comment In the Perform Task dialog,

  • select a Space
  • select a Ticket
  • select a Comment
  • and then enter a Comment.

In a team room, you can enter the @assembla updatecomment Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Revise Ticket In the Perform Task dialog,

  • select a Space
  • select a Ticket
  • optionally enter a Description
  • optionally select a Priority
  • optionally select a Status
  • optionally select an Assignee
  • and then optionally select a Milestone.

In a team room, you can enter the @assembla updateticket Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

Create Ticket In the Perform Task dialog,

  • select a Space
  • enter a Ticket Summary
  • and then optionally enter a Description.

In a team room, you can enter the @assembla createticket Bot command to invoke and configure this task.

You can setup message notifications to your Kore.ai account using a Assembla webhook. Click , click Get notified when…, click Ticket Updates, and then in the Setup Task dialog:

  1. Click the Activate button to generate a Webhook URL.
  2. Copy and save the URL, or click Email Instructions to send the URL to an email account. For more information, see Configuring Assembla Webhooks.
  3. Optionally, click the gray box in Filters to setup one or more filters to prevent message notifications for specified criteria. You can filter on one or more of the following:
    1. Object – Exact Match for:
      1. File
      2. Message
      3. StandUp Report
      4. Ticket Tool
      5. Wiki Page
    2. Click Done to save the filter.
  4. Optionally customize the Task Name 
  5. Optionally customize the Short Description
  6. Enable or disable Mute task notifications.

Next Steps

After the webhook is configured in Assembla, when any of the defined events occur in Assembla, a message is displayed on the Bots page for the Kore.ai Messenger account.]]>