Add a Language

This feature helps add a language to the agent workspace for customer support.

To access Language, follow these steps:

1. On the left pane, click System Setup > Language & Speech.

2.  Click the Supported Languages tab.

3. In the Language panel, select the language and enable/disable the corresponding ACCESS TO field(s) that sets the access permission.

The following ACCESS TO permissions are available:

  • Agent: A specific agent that uses the selected language for customer interactions.
  • Call Automation: The call automation flow that implements for the selected language.
  • Chat Automation: The chat automation flow that implements for the selected language.

4. Click Save.

Select a Language

To select a language for customer support, follow these steps:

  1. Type the language in the search text area of the Language panel.

  2. Tap the language and set the agent and automation permissions under ACCESS TO. The access permissions include:

  • Agent: To map the language to the agent.
  • Call Automation: To map the language to call automation.
  • Chat Automation: To map the language to chat automation.

3. Click Save.

Unselect a Language

To unselect a language and its access flows, follow the steps below:

1. Search the desired language using the search feature.

2. Unselect the selected language by clicking the relevant checkbox. This disables the ACCESS TO permissions.

3. Click Save.

Delete a Language

This feature helps delete a language in the agent workspace.

To access Language, follow these steps:

  1. In the Language panel, click the delete icon for the language you want to remove from the list.

  2. The deleted language is not be available for the agent anymore.

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