
This method is used to fetch the statuses of Agent Desktop Conversations.


This section describes the information that is available in the request

Method URL End Point
GET /public/{streamId}/analytics/conversations/stats

Request Parameters

Path Parameters

Parameter Required Description Type/Value
streamId *  Y Stream ID
(e.g.  st-606c43de5e00ca5f4e27e38a)

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description Type/Value
startDate *  Y Date in ISO81 format Date
endDate *  Y Date in ISO81 format Date
compareStartDate  N Date in ISO81 format Date
compareEndDate  N Date in ISO81 format Date
agentGroupIds[]  N Agent group ids String
agentIds[]  N List of user ids String

Sample Request



The following table describes the information that is available in the response.

Response Fields

Parameter Required/Optional Description


Invoke the API with JWT in the header with the following syntax:

auth: {{JWT}}

Response Content Type


Sample Response


"active": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"call": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"email": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10



"recentlyClosed": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"call": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"email": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10



"idle": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"email": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10



"abandoned": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"call": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10



"deflection": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"email": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10



"callback": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"call": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"email": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10



"callbackOpted": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10,

"call": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"chat": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10


"email": {

"total": 10,

"previous": 10,

"percentageChange": 10




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